[Lwip] Call for Papers - IEEE NetSoft 2019

Lisandro Zambenedetti Granville <granville@inf.ufrgs.br> Tue, 23 October 2018 14:39 UTC

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                                 Call for Papers                                    
                                IEEE NetSoft 2019

            The 5th IEEE International Conference on Network Softwarization
                    "Unleashing the Power of Network Softwarization"
                         June 24-28, 2019 - Paris, France
                             http://ieee-netsoft.org <http://ieee-netsoft.org/>                           


The 5th  IEEE  International Conference on Network Softwarization (NetSoft 2019) 
will be held on June 24-28, 2019 in Paris, France. IEEE NetSoft has been created
as  a  flagship  conference  aiming  at  addressing ìSoftwarization" of networks 
and  systemic  trends  concerning  the convergence of Cloud Computing, Software-
Defined Networking (SDN), and Network Functions Virtualization (NFV).  

*** Scope ***
Over the  years, software has become the core value provider in the telecommuni-
cations industry. Boosted by scientific breakthrough, continuous  innovation and
stringent requirements for  new  services, the telecommunications transformation 
is  on  track  and  filled  with  opportunities. The supporting technologies are 
maturing  at  great  pace  and  softwarization  is recognized as a major enabler 
by many standardization efforts and industrial initiatives.

This  trend will be reflected in  NetSoft 2019 in the various topics of interest 
under  the  theme  "Unleashing  the  power  of  network  softwarization" and the 
conference  will serve as a forum to discuss the latest advances in this area in
both industry and academia related. 

*** Topics of interest ***
NetSoft  2019  will  feature technical paper presentations, keynotes, tutorials, 
demos and exhibitions from world-leading experts representing service providers, 
vendors,  research institutes, open source projects, and academia. Additionally, 
topical  workshops  will be co-located so various call for proposals are issued. 
The topics of interest include, but are not limited to:

- Programmable SDN and NFV: languages, architectures, environments
- Softwarized cloud, fog, and edge infrastructures
- Cognitive and autonomic networking
- Network slicing and slice management
- Mobility management in software networks
- Policy-based and Intent-Based Networking 
- Centralized vs Distributed control, management & orchestration
- Abstractions and virtualization of resources, services, and functions
- Service Function Chaining 
- Container/microservice-based network functions
- Efficient network/service monitoring in SDN/NFV
- AI techniques to support network automation
- Analytics and big data approaches for managing softwarized networks
- QoS and QoE in softwarized infrastructures
- Resilience, reliability, and robustness of softwarized networks
- Cooperative multi-party, multi-domain, multi-tenant SDN/NFV environments
- Security, Safety, Trust and Privacy support in virtualized environments
- SDN switch/router architecture and design
- Dynamic   resource   discovery   mechanisms   and  service  parameter/resource 
negotiation schemes
- APIs, protocols, and languages for programmable networks
- Lifecycle management of network software
- DevOps methodologies for network softwarization
- Debugging and introspection of software-defined virtualized systems
- Service fulfillment assurance systems in SDN/NFV environments
- Softwarized platforms for Internet of Things (IoT)
- Energy efficient and green software-defined infrastructures (SDI)
- Transition strategies from existing networks to SDN/NFV
- New service models and paradigms enabled by softwarization
- New value chains and business models
- Socio-economic impact and regulatory implications for softwarization
- Experience reports from experimental testbeds and deployments

*** Paper Submissions ***
Prospective  authors are  invited to submit technical papers, tutorial, demo and 
workshop proposals that fall into the conference topics of interest. 
Deadlines are: 

- Technical Papers:		December 3, 2018
- Workshop Proposals:		November 12, 2018	
- Tutorial Proposals:		January 15, 2019
- Demo Proposals:		February 25, 2019

For  specific details  about submission  format and  procedure, please  check at 
http://ieee-netsoft.org/authors <http://ieee-netsoft.org/authors>. 

Important: NetSoft 2019  is  enforcing  a  strict publication and no-show policy 
as stated by IEEE. Please check details on the NetSoft 2019 website.

*** Important dates for main track***
- Paper submission deadline:		December 3, 2018  
- Acceptance notification:		March 8, 2019 
- Camera-ready Papers:			April 5, 2019

*** TPC Co-Chairs ***
Prosper Chemouil, Orange Labs (retired), France
Flavio Esposito, Saint Louis University, USA
Olivier Festor, TELECOM Nancy, France

*** General Co-Chairs ***
Filip De Turck, Ghent University, Belgium
Christian Jacquenet, Orange Labs, France