[Mailsec] Standard Oauth2 scopes for e-mail authorization

Clinton Bunch <cdb_ietf@zentaur.org> Wed, 12 April 2023 21:14 UTC

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Subject: [Mailsec] Standard Oauth2 scopes for e-mail authorization
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With a growing interest in Multi-Factor authentication, delegating user 
authorizations to voice assistants, and the recent decisions of email 
giants like Google and Microsoft to mandate RFC7628, there is a strong 
push for Oauth authentication in the various protocols for e-mail.

 From what I've seen, the current support for this in open-source 
clients has been by hard-coding the Client ID, Client Secret, and 
necessary scopes for a few of the giant providers, but offering no 
support for smaller organizations to permit Oauth

RFC7591 gives a way forward without hard-coding Client ID or Client 
Secret.  But the problem of varying scopes and a lack of context for 
their meanings for both clients and servers remains a barrier to 
wide-spread adoption of this technology.

It seems appropriate for this list to discuss and approve some standard 
scopes for e-mail.

I propose the following based on use-cases I can foresee, but others may 
have additional ideas.

     Read/send/notify authorization from the user. (Most common case for 
     Authorization from the user to send mail on their behalf. (e.g. 
meeting request from a voice assistant)
     Authorization to read e-mails, but not send.
     Permission to recieve notifications of new messages.  (Biff style 
application, maybe for a smartwatch)