[MMUSIC] How does mmt grouping work with multiple streams of the same type?

"Stach, Thomas" <thomas.stach@siemens-enterprise.com> Thu, 11 October 2012 13:12 UTC

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From: "Stach, Thomas" <thomas.stach@siemens-enterprise.com>
To: Christer Holmberg <christer.holmberg@ericsson.com>, Harald Alvestrand <harald@alvestrand.no>, Jonathan Lennox <jonathan@vidyo.com>, mmusic WG <mmusic@ietf.org>
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Subject: [MMUSIC] How does mmt grouping work with multiple streams of the same type?
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Christer, Harald, Jonathan,

I have the impression that the draft-holmberg-mmusic-sdp-mmt-negotiation is based on Jonathan's proposal 
to have an explicit desrciption for the bundled streams as proposed in

Among other points the following is stated:
* The m=bundle is a complete description of an entirely separate m-line; if it's used, the other m-lines in the group are rejected and the information they carry is ignored.
I think this a desirable property

Now, consider a case were you have 4 streams, i.e. 4 m-lines (e.g. 2 audio and 2 video).
How would that be mapped to the m=anymedia line? 
How does mmt grouping work with multiple streams of the same type?

>From the currently proposed syntax for the m=anymedia line I cannot deduce that multiple audio or video streams are offered.
I would have to look into the "legacy" m-lines to recognize this.
In case that e.g. the video stream use different codecs, I could also learn that only from the legacy m-lines.
