[Mobopts] Fw: New Version Notification for draft-irtf-mobopts-location-privacy-solutions-07

"Koodli, Rajeev" <rkoodli@starentnetworks.com> Fri, 28 March 2008 18:23 UTC

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Hello folks,


It's time to move the ID along. If there are no further comments, I
would like to ask

the authors to include the boilerplate about RG review (see the last
paragraph, Section 1 in RFC 4651), do another round of proof-reading and
submit the revised version for IRSG review.






ps: also note my new e-mail address, thanks.



---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Rajeev Koodli <rajeev.koodli@gmail.com>
Date: Wed, Mar 5, 2008 at 10:24 PM
Subject: Re: [Mobopts] Fw: New Version Notification for
To: mobopts@irtf.org


Hello folks,


this ID has been revised based on the LC input (see below). An
additional point to note: the ID clarifies that approaches in Section 4
and Section 5 can be implemented on their own. So, folks have choice;
those interested in claimed benefits of the approach in Section 5 can
choose to do so. Others can go with the approach in Section 4.


I would like to ask folks (including reviewers Heejin and Vijay) to take
a look so that we can move this forward.






On Mon, Feb 25, 2008 at 7:51 AM, QIU Ying <qiuying@i2r.a-star.edu.sg>

Dear all,

The draft of "Mobile IPv6 Location Privacy Solutions" is updated.

The major changes are:

1) revise according to Heejin and Vijay comments
2) add traffic formats
3) IANA requirement
4) other editorial errors

Thanks again for your attention. Any comments are very appreciated.

Qiu Ying

----- Original Message -----
From: "IETF I-D Submission Tool" <idsubmission@ietf.org>
To: <qiuying@i2r.a-star.edu.sg>
Cc: <fanzhao@marvell.com>; <Rajeev.Koodli@gmail.com>
Sent: Monday, February 25, 2008 11:40 PM
Subject: New Version Notification for

> A new version of I-D,
> has been successfuly submitted by QIU Ying and posted to the IETF
> repository.
> Filename: draft-irtf-mobopts-location-privacy-solutions
> Revision: 07
> Title: Mobile IPv6 Location Privacy Solutions
> Creation_date: 2008-02-25
> WG ID: Independent Submission
> Number_of_pages: 42
> Abstract:
> Mobile IPv6 [10] enables mobile nodes to remain reachable while
> roaming on the Internet.  With its current specification, the
> location of a mobile node can be revealed and its movement can be
> tracked by simply monitoring its IP packets.  In this document, we
> consider the MIP6 location privacy problem described in [14] and
> propose efficient and secure techniques to protect the location
> privacy of a mobile node.
> The IETF Secretariat.

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