[mpls] Preliminary minutes: MPLS WG - Session 1 - Wed Nov 4th 9 am
"Tarek Saad (tsaad)" <tsaad@cisco.com> Thu, 05 November 2015 07:20 UTC
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From: "Tarek Saad (tsaad)" <tsaad@cisco.com>
To: "mpls@ietf.org" <mpls@ietf.org>
Thread-Topic: Preliminary minutes: MPLS WG - Session 1 - Wed Nov 4th 9 am
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Hi all, Minute taker: Kamran Raza (thanks Kamran). Below are notes of MPLS WG - Session 1. Please review and feel free to suggest corrections. * Chair: Loa + Andy Mallis (help) * Chair update: Loa * NOTE WLLL and update. * Agenda Bashing + Blue sheets * WG Status * NOTE-WELL * Daniel King: He gave a short update on his draft: ??? * Icmp-bie draftr: should we move it to BIER ? * IPR’s in future polls: How to discuss IPR discussions on list ? IPR disclosure to IESG with simple state * chandra: RSVP refresh-interval * In MPLS RT review * ryoo: MPLS TP … RFC 7271 * 4-5 ppl read the draft; Loa asked to ask/seek comment on mailing list. * santosh: app-aware-tldp * Loa: Make it active on alias * Andy: Overlap with PALS – send an email to PALS WG , intro to the draft and seek comments. * Several ppl have read the draft, and support WG LC. * Loa: Too many authors on the 1st page … Max 6 ppl please. * santosh: Node Prot for LDP LSPs * Loa comments: Requirements are very generic. Will like to look and might ask for rewrite the req section of the doc. * Jeff Tantsura: Ericsson: Like to see real reason for doing something else than LFA (proven). Possibly Some data on LFA SPF vs LDP. * Present in rtgwg * Autumn (??? L2VPN YANG llady) Ericsson: Why node protection with two protocols involved ? (IGP is always there)? * Chris Bowers (JNPR): RSVP/TE Tunnel scalability when used e2e (100 of 100s of transit LSPs)… Using RSVP/TE *only* for protection is not an issue. * Robin (Huawei): LFA does not provide all the coverage * Loa: slide mentioned: mLDP protection for free ? Does current draft has this info. Clarify in the document. * Jeff: Read mLDP Node Protection. Also get feedback from SPs * Good # of ppl read the draft; Lesser # of ppl for WG adoption. * tarek: LSP instant install * Shahram Davari: It is not a good idea. With number of hops increase, the stack depth increases and . * Chandra (JNPR): Is the primary motive is due to scale of LSPs on transit LSRs ? Tarek: Not really. It is due to race b/w fwding programming and signaling upstream. Eliminating current “wait” time will eliminate this issue. >>> Loa: Move this discussion on mailign list. * Kireeti (JNPR): Overall idea is good but need to see how many distraction occur on traffic and how to deal with it? * Chris Bowers (JNPR): It will be helpful to post the slides on the material section of the MPLS WG for overall discussion. * Ina (GOOG): Couple of concerns with deployability of this solution (on ingress – num of labels) + how to account for LSP ? Tarek: Is it more ingress or transit side concern ? Loa: Take it to the mailing list. * deborah: Loa: Requirements when we we update/change the status of an RFC ? * RFC 6410: Proposed and Internet Standard levels * What is an “IS” and How much can revise from the original RFC. * RFC 5036 can be moved from PS to IS. PALS need it for RFC 4447. * Carlos P. / Cisco: One goal is to cleanup the doc + other is to move it in standardization. * Adrian: Why do we need to spend cycles on this ? * Chris Bowers (JNPR): Selectively moving some items from PS to IS might confused ppl for the documents which remain as PS. Loa/Deborah: This is not WG choice but pushed by. * carlos: rfc 4379bis * carlos: Two Qs for WG/chairs: Is it useful work ? What needs to be brought in ? * loa: in view of deborah’s preso on PS->IS, … * Carlos: this is a WG RFC and we need to take it to WG ASAP. Loa: Will initiate. * Kireeti: RMR * Eric Gray (Ericsson): re: U-shaped rings: we need to know more about the use, cost etc – before we go and update the draft. * Luyan: MS: It is a good concept. Need to look for beyond shortest path. * Kireeti: LARP * No slides * Andy Mallis: HUWEI: Q1: There must be some high use case for overloading ARP. Kireeti: ARP is not an ehternet protocol.. Can be used for other hardware/atm etc. There is H/W field that is going to be updated for LARP. Q2: Security section is weak. Kireetai: ARP security is already low… there are security issues that we are inheriting… * Luyan: forwarding-no-swap: * Eric Gray : Ericsson: Not all the Q on the mailing list have been answered. * Kireeti: It is not a matter of English but technical. Adding another operation is not a good idea. There are other things in the MPLS header besides label .. TTL etc… These bits need processing. * Fabio Chiussi: Stabdard need to change to support most efficient impl (no-swap). * Xia Chen : Huawei: It is important to clarify label operations in view of SR standardization. * Robin Huawei: We propose domain wide labels; * Shahram: Broadcomm: Support this draft from chip implementation. * Luyan: SDN * Loa: Is it a good doc or interest for industry. Make it Informational ? Should this be not an MPLS WG doc ? * Robin : Huawei: * Robin: Global label use case * Loa: Out of time – take on the list. * Regards, Tarek
- [mpls] Preliminary minutes: MPLS WG - Session 1 -… Tarek Saad (tsaad)