Re: [mpls] MPLS and TE tunnels YANG data model meeting
"Tarek Saad (tsaad)" <> Fri, 27 May 2016 15:44 UTC
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From: "Tarek Saad (tsaad)" <>
To: "Chenxia (D)" <>, Himanshu Shah <>, "Wen, Bin" <>, Vishnu Pavan Beeram <>, Raqib Jones <>, "Rakesh Gandhi (rgandhi)" <>, "Kamran Raza (skraza)" <>, "" <>, Igor Bryskin <>, "Zhangxian (Xian)" <>, Paweł Brzozowski <>, Anurag Sharma <>, Xufeng Liu <>, Paweł Kaczmarek <>
Thread-Topic: MPLS and TE tunnels YANG data model meeting
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Correcting mpls WG alias, From: Tarek Saad <> Date: Friday, May 27, 2016 at 11:33 AM To: "Chenxia (D)" <>, Himanshu Shah <>, "Wen, Bin" <>, Vishnu Pavan Beeram <>, Raqib Jones <>, "Rakesh Gandhi (rgandhi)" <>, "Kamran Raza (skraza)" <>, "" <>, Igor Bryskin <>, "Zhangxian (Xian)" <>, Paweł Brzozowski <>, Anurag Sharma <>, Xufeng Liu <>, Paweł Kaczmarek <> Cc: "" <>, "mpls@ietf" <mpls@ietf> Subject: Re: MPLS and TE tunnels YANG data model meeting Copying WG for fyi as feedback as per agreement. Thanks all for attending meeting weekly meeting today. Below are today’s MoMs. Feel free to add if I missed any. Regards, Tarek Friday May 27, 2016: =================== Agenda: A. Discuss new update(s) to MPLS static LSPs module - new static LSP attributes - static bidirectional LSPs - static MBB - static end-to-end LSP protection B. Discuss SR-TE new module details C. how to proceed with schema mount --> AI: to send a doodle for SR-TE meeting A. SR-TE: ========= Explicit path: - label (already have it in TE model) - SID index Tunnel: new: binding-label (not specific to SR tunnel) new: per path "segment-routing" attribute new: per path constraints: - cost limit - link/adj-SID protection types: any, protected, unprotected - invalidation timeout - invalidation action - drop - tear - prepend label(s) per path - prepend bgp-next-hop New TE link attributes (state-only): Delay: – Unidirectional Link Delay (D) – Min/Max Unidirectional Link Delay (DM) – Unidirectional Delay Variation (DV) Loss: – Unidirectional Link Loss (L) Bandwidth: – Unidirectional Residual Bandwidth (BR) – Unidirectional Available Bandwidth (BA) – Unidirectional Utilized Bandwidth (BUTIL) B. Update to MPLS static LSPs New attributes for static LSPs needed to allocate resources on per hop/link: - BW with CTs? - priority/preemption - discussion, what occurs if static LSPs is contending with RSVP allocation (at same or different priority)? Bidirectional Static LSPs: Option #1: - association of forward/reverse siblings maintained in hierarchical configuration (under same LSP(name=foo)) LSP(name=foo): BW bidirectional forward BW1 in-segment (in-label, next-hop) out-segment (out-label(s), next-hop) reverse BW2 in-segment (in-label, next-hop) out-segment (out-label(s), next-hop) --> In current model the LSP has only one cross-connect --> will need to have multiple cross-connects per LSP ---> to realize asymmetrical behavior (eg. BW alloc) need to allow config under each forward/reverse leg Option #2: - forward/reverse LSPs as separate entries in the static LSP list - entries have different names, but associated using below - use a configured association-ID (tunnel-ID or service-ID) as way to associate LSPs LSP(name=foo-forward): bidirectional forward association ID = 1001 in-segment (in-label, next-hop) out-segment (out-label(s), next-hop) LSP(name=foo-reverse): bidirectional reverse association ID = 1001 in-segment (in-label, next-hop) out-segment (out-label(s), next-hop) Option #3: - forward/reverse LSPs as separate entries in the static LSP list - both entries have the same name, but new key is needed iin the list (role?, e.g. sibling1, sibling2, etc..) MBB for Static: 1. how to realize resource sharing if needed? 2. coordinate switchover on the ingress using configuration Option#2 (add role in list of LSPs key), e.g. key= (name=foo, role=mbb-sibling1), (name=foo, mbb-sibling2), (name=foo, path-protect-sibling1), (name=foo, path-protect-sibling2) LSP(foo, mbb-sibling1): in-segment (in-label, next-hop) out-segment (out-label(s), next-hop) association ID = 1001 role=MBB sibling LSP(foo, mbb-sibling2): in-segment (in-label, next-hop) out-segment (out-label(s), next-hop) association ID = 1001 role=MBB sibling T0: traffic on LSP(foo1) T1: configure LSP(foo2) on mid(s) T2: map traffic to LSP(foo2) on ingress T3: delete LSP(foo1) Background (snippet from Huawei’s OS support for static LSP): [LSRA] bidirectional static-cr-lsp ingress Tunnel1/0/0 [LSRA-bi-static-ingress-Tunnell/0/0] forward nexthop out-label 20 bandwidth ct0 10000 [LSRA-bi-static-ingress-Tunnell/0/0] backward in-label 20 [LSRB]bidirectional static-cr-lsp transit lsp1 [LSRB-bi-static-transit-lsp1] forward in-label 20 nexthop out-label 40 bandwidth ct0 10000 [LSRB-bi-static-transit-lsp1] backward in-label 16 nexthop out-label 20 bandwidth ct0 10000 [LSRC] bidirectional static-cr-lsp egress lsp1 [LSRC-bi-static-egress-lsp1] forward in-label 40 lsrid tunnel-id 100 Regards, Tarek From: When: 10:00 AM - 11:00 AM May 27, 2016 Subject: MPLS and TE tunnels YANG data model meeting Location: webex Refreshing invite for MPLS and TE tunnels YANG data model meeting. Please forward to anyone I missed. -- Do not delete or change any of the following text. -- Join WebEx meeting<> Meeting number: 201 966 692 Meeting password: 3jwMRXEd If you are a host, go here<> to view host information. Join by phone +1-408-525-6800 Call-in toll number (US/Canada) +1-866-432-9903 Call-in toll-free number (US/Canada) Access code: 201 966 692 Numeric meeting password: 21794172 Global call-in numbers<> | Toll-free calling restrictions<> Can't join the meeting? Contact support.<> IMPORTANT NOTICE: Please note that this WebEx service allows audio and other information sent during the session to be recorded, which may be discoverable in a legal matter. By joining this session, you automatically consent to such recordings. If you do not consent to being recorded, discuss your concerns with the host or do not join the session..
- Re: [mpls] MPLS and TE tunnels YANG data model me… Tarek Saad (tsaad)
- Re: [mpls] [Teas] MPLS and TE tunnels YANG data m… Iftekhar Hussain