[mpls] Issues with your use of TLV Type and sub-types in your draft
Eric Gray <eric.gray@ericsson.com> Thu, 28 October 2010 07:13 UTC
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From: Eric Gray <eric.gray@ericsson.com>
To: George Swallow <swallow@cisco.com>, 'Nitin Bahadur' <nitinb@juniper.net>, Kireeti Kompella <kireeti@juniper.net>
Date: Thu, 28 Oct 2010 03:14:45 -0400
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Subject: [mpls] Issues with your use of TLV Type and sub-types in your draft
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George/Nitin/Kireeti, A comment on your draft, for information only, at this point. You have suggested a new TLV type (20) and 3 new TLV sub-types (1, 2 and 3) in your draft (draft-ietf-mpls-lsp-ping-enhanced-dsmap) that have some issues. First, we are rapidly discovering that "suggesting" actual values for these numbers may be a serious problem. There is a process for early allocation of code points managed by IANA. It is a simple process, requiring only that the draft co-authors request early allocation by the appropriate WG chair(s). The WG chair will take it from there. It is my opinion that - until assigned - these code points may only be referred to as "TBD." Second, the TLV type you have suggested is also suggested by another draft (draft-ietf-mpls-return-path-specified-lsp-ping), but for a different purpose. This is precisely the reason why "suggesting" values is a problem for IANA managed name spaces. Third, if you are defining a new TLV-Type from the name-space defined by RFC 4379, you can (and probably should) use the numbers in sequence (starting either with zero or one), in order to avoid confusing and/or fragmenting the number space unnecessarily. You have chosen to start with the value 1, but have not indicated a specific reason why zero should not be used. In fact, you have stated that the valid range is 0-65535. You may want to either use the values 0, 1 and 2, or state why zero is not used. Since you are in fact, defining a new TLV type, you do not need to request IANA assignment of the sub-type numbers (since you have explicitly defined a new name space for the TLV type). You should simply make the assignment of these initial TLV sub-types part of your definition of the new sub-registry. The WG chairs are working with the IESG to resolve this and related issues. I believe it would be inappropriate to take any action on this information until you are informed by the WG chairs as to what action to take. -- Eric