[mpls] 答复: [Bier] WGLC: draft-ietf-bier-mpls-encapsulation-06
Xuxiaohu <xuxiaohu@huawei.com> Tue, 09 May 2017 02:42 UTC
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From: Xuxiaohu <xuxiaohu@huawei.com>
To: Eric C Rosen <erosen@juniper.net>, Stewart Bryant <stewart.bryant@gmail.com>, "bier@ietf.org" <bier@ietf.org>, "mpls@ietf.org" <mpls@ietf.org>, "mpls-chairs@ietf.org" <mpls-chairs@ietf.org>
Thread-Topic: [Bier] WGLC: draft-ietf-bier-mpls-encapsulation-06
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> Originally the draft only discussed MPLS networks. When a non-MPLS encaps > was added, the title was augmented with "and non-MPLS networks". > I don't really see a problem with it, as it emphasizes that two encapsulation > mechanisms are provided. Hi all, I really don't think it's worthwhile to have two indirection approaches with little significant differences. IMHO, the only difference between the two approaches is whether the first 20-bit (i.e., the indirection key) is deeded as an MPLS label or not. Is that so important in nature? Best regards, Xiaohu > Eric > > _______________________________________________ > BIER mailing list > BIER@ietf.org > https://www.ietf.org/mailman/listinfo/bier
- Re: [mpls] [Bier] WGLC: draft-ietf-bier-mpls-enca… Stewart Bryant
- Re: [mpls] [Bier] WGLC: draft-ietf-bier-mpls-enca… Eric C Rosen
- Re: [mpls] [Bier] WGLC: draft-ietf-bier-mpls-enca… Stewart Bryant
- Re: [mpls] [Bier] WGLC: draft-ietf-bier-mpls-enca… Tony Przygienda
- [mpls] 答复: [Bier] WGLC: draft-ietf-bier-mpls-enca… Xuxiaohu
- Re: [mpls] [Bier] WGLC: draft-ietf-bier-mpls-enca… Eric C Rosen
- Re: [mpls] [Bier] WGLC: draft-ietf-bier-mpls-enca… Greg Shepherd