[multipathtcp] Regarding rate control at a subflow level

Nagesh shamnur <nagesh.shamnur@huawei.com> Fri, 17 May 2019 02:37 UTC

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From: Nagesh shamnur <nagesh.shamnur@huawei.com>
To: "multipathtcp@ietf.org" <multipathtcp@ietf.org>
CC: Ashutosh prakash <ashutosh.prakash@huawei.com>
Thread-Topic: Regarding rate control at a subflow level
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Dear MPTCP Group,
                Greetings. In case of Mobile deployments of MPTCP, though the data rates are getting cheaper, still it would be wise not to run the cellular path to full limit but to throttle to a certain extent considering cost in mind or if server wants to limit the client at subflow level, then I couldn't find the support for the same in the specification. So, while going through the discussion archives, could only find that, the peer(server) can throttle the speed for the entire connection by publishing a smaller receiver window rather than for a particular subflow. I feel, it would be a good idea if the peers can exchange this information using the control packets.
                Any thoughts?

Nagesh S