[Netconf] mbj's WGLC comments on netconf-event-notifications-08
Martin Bjorklund <mbj@tail-f.com> Fri, 16 March 2018 13:59 UTC
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Subject: [Netconf] mbj's WGLC comments on netconf-event-notifications-08
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Hi, Here are my WGLC comments on draft-ietf-netconf-netconf-event-notifications-08 o On p. 3, theres a missing " (which messes up the colors in the emacs mode I use) OLD: SHOULD NOT" NEW: "SHOULD NOT" There's another one on p. 5: OLD: responses to an establish-subscription request) or "modify- subscription-error-datastore (for error responses to a modify- NEW: responses to an establish-subscription request) or "modify- subscription-error-datastore" (for error responses to a modify- o Section 3 As I have noted before, you mustn't require the :interleave capability to be supported. That capability is for 5277 only. This new mechanism *requires* that rpc's can be sent while there are active subscriptions, so there is no need for a capability. Remove this section. o Section 4 What is the reason for not allowing 5277 subscriptions on the same session as these new subscriptions? AFAICT this should just work fine, and no special rule is needed. o Section 5 You write: A NETCONF publisher MUST support XML encoding of RPCs and Notifications. This is already specificed in RFC 6241. You are not changing this, so this sentence should be removed. o Section 5 You write: A NETCONF publisher supporting [I-D.draft-ietf-netconf-subscribed-notifications] MUST support the "NETCONF" event stream identified in that draft. This is already specificed in that draft. You are not changing this, so this sentence should be removed. o Section 6.2 (editorial, and clarified) OLD: For a configured subscription, there is no guarantee a transport session is currently in place with each associated receiver. In cases where a configured subscription has a receiver in the connecting state and the protocol configured as NETCONF, but no NETCONF transport session exists to that receiver, the publisher MUST initiate a transport session via NETCONF call home [RFC8071], section 4.1 to that receiver. Until NETCONF connectivity is established and a subscription-started state change notification is successfully sent, that receiver MUST remain in a status of either "connecting" or "timeout". NEW: For a configured subscription, there is no guarantee a transport session is currently in place with each associated receiver. In cases where a configured subscription has a receiver in the "connecting" state (see section 2.5.1 of [RFCXXXX] and the protocol is configured as NETCONF, but no NETCONF transport session exists to that receiver, the publisher MUST initiate a transport session via NETCONF call home [RFC8071], section 4.1 to that receiver. Until NETCONF connectivity is established and a "subscription-started" state change notification is successfully sent, that receiver MUST remain in either the "connecting" or the "timeout" state. OLD: If the call home fails because the publisher receives receiver credentials which are subsequently declined per [RFC8071], Section 4.1, step S5 authentication, then that receiver MUST be assigned a "timeout" status. NEW: If the call home fails because the publisher receives receiver credentials which are subsequently declined per [RFC8071], Section 4.1, step S5 authentication, then that receiver MUST be placed in the "timeout" state. OLD: If the call home fails to establish for any other reason, the publisher MUST NOT progress the receiver to the "active" state. Additionally, the publisher SHOULD place the receiver into a "timeout" status after a predetermined number of either failed call home attempts or NETCONF sessions remotely terminated by the receiver. NEW: If the call home fails to establish for any other reason, the publisher MUST NOT progress the receiver to the "active" state. Additionally, the publisher SHOULD place the receiver into the "timeout" state after a predetermined number of either failed call home attempts or NETCONF sessions remotely terminated by the receiver. OLD: NETCONF Transport session connectivity SHOULD be verified via Section 4.1, step S7. NEW: NETCONF Transport session connectivity SHOULD be verified as described in [RFC8071], Section 4.1, step S7. o Section 7 You write: Notification messages transported over NETCONF will be identical in format and content to those encoded using one-way operations defined within [RFC5277], section 4. "identical in content"? What does this section tell me? o Section 8 o "error-app-tag" with the value being a string that corresponds to an identity associated with the error, as defined in [I-D.draft-ietf-netconf-subscribed-notifications] section 2.4.6 This needs to explained better. See also my WGLC comments on the other drafts. Also, I don't think the 5th bullet is complete; it doesn't mention "establish-subscription-error-stream" for example. What is this section trying to tell me that isn't already said, e.g. in section 3.8 of the push draft. Maybe the other drafts should be less specific and all such text moved here. As it is now it is not quite clear. o Section 8 You write: Note that "error-path" does not need to be included with the "rpc- error" element, as subscription errors are generally not associated with nodes in the datastore but with the choice of RPC input parameters. This is a misconception how error-path works. Please remove this sentence. For info, check RFC 6241. o Appendix A.2.1 I think it is useful to show an example of something that is easily missed; that notifications can be sent at any time: I suggest: OLD: | establish-subscription | |----------------------------->| | RPC Reply: OK, id = 23 | |<-----------------------------| | | | | | notification message (for 22)| |<-----------------------------| NEW: | establish-subscription | |----------------------------->| | notification message (for 22)| |<-----------------------------| | RPC Reply: OK, id = 23 | |<-----------------------------| | | | | | notification message (for 22)| |<-----------------------------| o Appendix A.2.1 The example in Figure 3 is not correct. The example in Fixgure 5 is not correct wrt namespace. Hmm, it seems many examples are wrong. I strongly suggest that you set up automatic testing of all your examples. If you for some reason don't do that, please let me (and the WG) know so that we can validate all examples in detail manually. Meanwhile, I will not check all examples. /martin
- Re: [Netconf] mbj's WGLC comments on netconf-even… Eric Voit (evoit)
- Re: [Netconf] mbj's WGLC comments on netconf-even… Martin Bjorklund
- Re: [Netconf] mbj's WGLC comments on netconf-even… Martin Bjorklund
- Re: [Netconf] mbj's WGLC comments on netconf-even… Martin Bjorklund
- Re: [Netconf] mbj's WGLC comments on netconf-even… Eric Voit (evoit)
- Re: [Netconf] mbj's WGLC comments on netconf-even… Kent Watsen
- [Netconf] mbj's WGLC comments on netconf-event-no… Martin Bjorklund