[nfsv4] [3530bis] Meeting Minutes, 9/23/2010

Thomas Haynes <thomas@netapp.com> Thu, 23 September 2010 18:33 UTC

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3530bis Meeting Minutes, 9/23/2010


Tom Haynes (NetApp)
Sorin Faibish (EMC)
Trond Myklebust (NetApp)
Robert Thurlow (Oracle)
Dave Noveck (EMC)
Andy Adamson (NetApp)


+ IETF Note Well Agreement

 This is a reminder that our discussions are governed by the 
 IETF Note Well Agreement. See:


 We will start each week's meeting with this announcement.

+ Continue triaging tasks

 James had sent along a review of the multi-server name space chapter,
 the changes need to be incorporated.

 A general comment is that several items my have been covered by changes
 in 5661 and could be back ported.

 Trond will provide a write up for item 35) OPEN_DOWNGRADE and posix byte range

 Rob had introduced items 36-40 since the last meeting. He will start some
 discussion on items 37, 39, and 40 on list.

 Tom brought up that these items, plus item 32 might need to go into 5661. Dave
 also added that item 17 also might need to be carried forward. Tom will keep a list.

 The task list has been updated with notes from the meeting:


 The next task for the list is to rearrange by priority, keeping the original item numbers.

+ Administrivia

 Tom asked that changes (or deltas) either be based on the .xml files in the repository
 or against the latest draft's .txt file. The chapter/section numbers are different from 3530
 to 3530bis.

+ i18n's 15 minutes of fame

Dave summarized the email exchange and detailed his plan to handle
changes per A and U labels.