[OAUTH-WG] Missing response_type with implicit and code flows on the same path
Sergey Beryozkin <sberyozkin@gmail.com> Tue, 09 February 2016 14:39 UTC
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From: Sergey Beryozkin <sberyozkin@gmail.com>
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Subject: [OAUTH-WG] Missing response_type with implicit and code flows on the same path
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Hi OAuth2 spec recommends how to deal with a missing response_type, set an error as a query or fragment parameter, depending on whether it is the authorization code or implicit flow and redirect. This implies that authorization code and implicit handlers listen on different paths, for example, code: /code implicit: /implicit so if a response type is missing the handler will know how to set the error on the redirect uri, as a query or a fragment..... However, I'd like to have a single handler, example (from the OIDC core): "https://server.example.com/authorize" which will support both the code and implicit flows. Here, 'response_type' is an obvious hint on what kind of flow is in process, however, if it is missing, how will a server know how to report a missing response_type error if it uses a shared "/authorize" path. I think in such cases reporting 400 is reasonable. Do you agree ? Thanks, Sergey
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- [OAUTH-WG] Missing response_type with implicit an… Sergey Beryozkin
- Re: [OAUTH-WG] Missing response_type with implici… Vladimir Dzhuvinov
- Re: [OAUTH-WG] Missing response_type with implici… Sergey Beryozkin
- Re: [OAUTH-WG] Missing response_type with implici… Vladimir Dzhuvinov
- Re: [OAUTH-WG] Missing response_type with implici… Sergey Beryozkin
- Re: [OAUTH-WG] Missing response_type with implici… John Bradley
- Re: [OAUTH-WG] OAuth 2.0 for Native Apps: Call fo… Eduardo Gueiros
- Re: [OAUTH-WG] OAuth 2.0 for Native Apps: Call fo… Thomas Broyer