[perpass] commentariat (was: Re: SMTP and SRV records)
Stephen Farrell <stephen.farrell@cs.tcd.ie> Wed, 25 November 2015 13:56 UTC
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Subject: [perpass] commentariat (was: Re: SMTP and SRV records)
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subject line change... On 25/11/15 13:28, Robin Wilton wrote: > I’m sure I’m not the only one who has been depressed by a lot of the > public discourse on this topic (present list definitely excepted!), > and the lack of clarity/understanding demonstrated by much of it > (this being a lamentable case in point: > http://www.telegraph.co.uk/technology/12008689/Why-is-Silicon-Valley-helping-the-tech-savvy-jihadists.html > ). While I agree that that kind of article is a pain, it's entirely predictable, partly understandable but IMO, as it's an attempt to defy logic and what are basically laws of physics (crytpo is just math in the end and the rest is a mere matter of programming), it is also bound to fail, in most places and for most of the time. We and others have written about why such ideas are wrong, and will continue to do so, but I don't think we should worry too much about every single flurry of articles like that. And there will be such a flurry after every unfortunate or deplorable incident, as that is also in the nature of things. But, just to take one example, I'd bet the UK govt will wise up somewhat when they finally get that they risk exporting their financial services industry if they muck with crypto in the ways that article would indicate. (I had a chat with some Irish industrial dev. types, and that was the angle that most interested them:-) Cheers, S. PS: And anyway it's the telegraph - did we expect tech clue? :-)
- [perpass] SMTP and SRV records Derek Fawcus
- Re: [perpass] SMTP and SRV records Eliot Lear
- Re: [perpass] SMTP and SRV records Ted Lemon
- Re: [perpass] SMTP and SRV records Ted Hardie
- Re: [perpass] SMTP and SRV records Eliot Lear
- Re: [perpass] SMTP and SRV records Derek Fawcus
- Re: [perpass] SMTP and SRV records Brian Trammell
- Re: [perpass] SMTP and SRV records Derek Fawcus
- Re: [perpass] SMTP and SRV records Eliot Lear
- Re: [perpass] SMTP and SRV records Derek Fawcus
- Re: [perpass] SMTP and SRV records Robin Wilton
- [perpass] commentariat (was: Re: SMTP and SRV rec… Stephen Farrell
- Re: [perpass] commentariat (was: Re: SMTP and SRV… Robin Wilton