[perpass] Fwd: All Three Keys Under Doormats Video Posted
Dave Crocker <dhc@dcrocker.net> Tue, 24 November 2015 18:30 UTC
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Folks, G'day, Given these groups' focus on privacy and pervasive monitoring and given the latest, renewed effort by politicians to lobby for institutionalized compromise of privacy, through encryption back doors, you might find the enclosed timely. The videos are self-explanatory. I'm hoping they prove useful for non-technical as well as technical folk seeking to understand the inherent problems with efforts to demand "exceptional access" to protected information. d/ -------- Forwarded Message -------- ... Hello all - All of the Keys Under Doormats videos are now posted on the public M3AAWG YouTube channel at www.youtube.com/maawg <http://www.youtube.com/maawg> (our channel name predates the “3” in maawg). ... Here are the specific URLs: *Keys Under Doormats 2015 Falk Award: How and Why the Report was Developed* - https://youtu.be/TRm2LUGvGeM with Josh Benaloh and the clips of the seven other authors, including a brief introduction of the award with Michael Adkins and the award presentation by Dave Crocker *Keys Under Doormats: Tutorial on Content and Issues* - https://youtu.be/G-R8Tti0hCA with Josh Benaloh and a brief overview of current M3AAWG Pervasive Monitoring SIG work by Janet Jones *Keys Under Doormats: A Conversation on the Report’s Significance and Impact* - https://youtu.be/lDa5TClWh7c with Josh Benaloh and Dave Crocker -- Dave Crocker Brandenburg InternetWorking bbiw.net -- Dave Crocker Brandenburg InternetWorking bbiw.net
- [perpass] Fwd: All Three Keys Under Doormats Vide… Dave Crocker