[Privsec-discuss] Public Comment of Rabbi Shalom Arush, Head of the "Chut Shel Chessed" Institutions on Proposed Renewal of .asia Registry Agreement
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Subject: [Privsec-discuss] Public Comment of Rabbi Shalom Arush, Head of the "Chut Shel Chessed" Institutions on Proposed Renewal of .asia Registry Agreement
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May 7th 2019 ICANN 12025 Waterfront Drive, Suite 300 Los Angeles, CA 90094-2536 USA Public comment on the Proposed Renewal of .asia Registry Agreement Executive Summary Renewal of the .asia registry agreement with DotAsia Organization Limited should be assessed against the background of the Internet addiction global problem. According to academic research, Internet addiction disorder (IAD) results in personal, family, and occupational problems. Internet addiction can be decomposed into several subtypes of behavior and impulse control problems, namely, Debauchery, cyber-relationship addiction, net compulsions, information overload, compulsive web surfing or database searches and net gaming. Internet gaming has been classified by the World Health Organization (WHO) as a disease in the International Classification of Diseases (ICD-11). There is a large correlation between addiction to online social networks and generalized Internet addiction. The short-term, dopamine-driven feedback loops that Facebook has created are destroying how society works and it is eroding the core foundations of how people behave by and between each other. Smartphones and the social media platforms they support are turning us into bona fide addicts. Platforms like Facebook, Snapchat, and Instagram leverage the very same neural circuitry used by slot machines and cocaine to keep us using their products as much as possible. Internet Addiction Disorder (IAD) ruins lives by causing neurological complications, psychological disturbances, and social problems. Smartphone or Internet addiction can also negatively impact your life by increasing loneliness and depression, fueling anxiety, increasing stress, exacerbating attention deficit disorders, diminishing your ability to concentrate and think deeply or creatively, disturbing your sleep and encouraging self-absorption. The psychopathological overlap between IA, substance addiction and pathological gambling suggests a common neurobiological substrate, involving a dopamine dysfunction of the neural “reward systems”. Debauchery destroys the brain. Lust and promiscuity, explains Nachman of Breslev, lead to a breakdown of logic, common sense and even insanity. The proof is that in this decadent age, so many people are in need of psychiatric medication, whereas millions suffer from anxiety and depression. All the people who are out of their minds, because they fell into the difficult disease of looking at women and all kinds of filthy movies on the Internet, on the iPhone, Facebook, etc., to the point of burning lust in real madness. Gambling is a terrible sickness, even more addictive than alcohol, tobacco and drugs. The lust for money is the root cause of gambling affliction, which not only drives a person insane, but makes him or her lose faith in the Creator, and truth and emuna in His Divine providence, Heaven forbid. The gambler is cruel to his family. The owners and operators of gambling parlors are outright murderers. ICANN, some ICANN-accredited registrars, some registry operators and some Domain Name Registrants are fostering Internet Addiction. DotAsia Organization Limited is fostering Internet addiction. Fostering Internet addiction is a disastrous violation of fundamental human rights and GAC Communiqué – Beijing, People’s Republic of China. Fostering Internet addiction by ICANN, some ICANN-accredited registrars, some registry operators and some Domain Name registrants is a violation of applicable laws. Fostering Internet addiction is a violation of ICANN's Articles of Incorporation, Board of Directors' Code of Conduct, Governance Guidelines, Commitments, Core Values and By-Laws. In view of the above, we require ICANN to terminate immediately the activities fostering Internet addiction, including the performance of relevant IANA functions, relevant gTLD activities, relevant Registry Operators' activities, relevant ICANN-accredited registrars' activities, including through RESP and amendments of registry and registrar agreements and to refrain from renewing the .asia registry agreement with DotAsia Organization Limited unless DotAsia Organization Limited and its related companies terminate immediately activities fostering Internet addiction and the .asia registry agreement is amended to prohibit Internet addiction activities. Rabbi Shalom Arush Head of the "Chut Shel Chessed" Institutions For the full article, please see the attachment. -------- The Universal Garden of Emuna Author: Rabbi Shalom Arush The Universal Garden of Emuna What’s the consolation in knowing that the world is full of strife when our personal lives are a never-ending saga of stress, worry, anxiety and challenges? Making a living today is like being a 21st Century gladiator. Family units are falling apart and marital bliss seems like a pipedream. People face child-education problems that they never imagined. What can a person do to maintain sanity? If sanity is such a struggle, who dares to dream of genuine happiness, fulfillment and true inner peace? You do. As soon as you open up the first page of the new Universal Garden of Emuna by internationally acclaimed best-selling author Shalom Arush, whose books have helped millions of people around the globe live better lives, you gain the master-key to life’s locked doors, especially the doors to fulfilling your own personal potential. Far from flash-in-the-pan fad spirituality, the new non-denomenational Universal Garden of Emuna takes the reader by the hand along the proven path to satisfaction of the soul. By learning emuna – the pure and simple faith in the Creator - the reader learns how to cultivate an intimate personal relationship with the Creator. This book will quickly become your best friend, a book you’ll want to read over and over! A complete and total life-changer! By world-renowned spiritual guide and bestselling author Shalom Arush, translated by Lazer Brody. Paperback, 406 information-packed pages, including an amazing new explanation of the Seven Noahide Commandments for all mankind. In English – https://www.breslev.co.il/store/the_universal_garden_of_emuna/spirituality_and_faith/books.aspx?id=16146&language=english In French – http://www.joie2vivre.org/produit/le-jardin-universel-de-la-foi/ In Spanish - https://www.breslev.co.il/store/en_el_jard%C3%ADn_de_la_fe_universal_gu%C3%ADa_pr%C3%A1ctica_de_vida_para_todo_ser_humano_en_espa%C3%B1ol/rabino_arush_y_autoayuda/libros.aspx?id=23093&language=spanish Rubin International Law Firm and Notary 11 Avinoam Yelin Street Jerusalem Israel info@advrubin.com naftali.rubin@gmail.com +972-544-705-200