Re: [quicwg/base-drafts] Looping with multiple Retry packets (#1451)

Kazuho Oku <> Wed, 20 June 2018 22:24 UTC

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From: Kazuho Oku <>
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Subject: Re: [quicwg/base-drafts] Looping with multiple Retry packets (#1451)
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> @kazuho why longer than 8 octets and not >=8 octets?
> I would like the simple RETRY case to work as well, which is the server doesn't want to change the CID at all, and it is the terminal node, so I don't want to require senders of RETRY to be required to change CID.

I agree. My intent was to say `>= 8`. Sorry for the confusion.

> Related question: What CID is the client deriving the key for INITIAL packets from? I was thinking all INITIAL packets used the same key, but if the terminal server may not have seen the client's first DCID, that doesn't work unless the original DCID is put somewhere the final server can read in the token.

I agree with your observation, and think it would make sense to state that the DCID field of the Initial packet that carries the first Client Hello (i.e. the one that also gets padded up to 1280 octets) will be used as the key material.

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