RE: Treatment of ICMP for PMTU
"Lubashev, Igor" <> Mon, 02 July 2018 23:20 UTC
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From: "Lubashev, Igor" <>
To: Magnus Westerlund <>, "Eggert, Lars" <>
CC: IETF QUIC WG <>, Martin Duke <>
Subject: RE: Treatment of ICMP for PMTU
Thread-Topic: Treatment of ICMP for PMTU
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* Probe starting at PTB_SIZE or verify Base_MTU and then probe up. From my perspective, the important is that one uses this a signal for checking the PMTU. From my perspective, there are two things that are important here: 1. Use PTB signal to start probing (as you said). This is section 3.3. 2. Identify cases, when you can set PMTU to PTB_SIZE immediately upon receipt of PTB, while the probing is happening. Plus one more thing that is not in that draft at all – I think it is prudent to respect PTB, even if that PTB is not validated (i.e. w/o on-path proof, using my lingo), if PTB_SIZE is large enough (to be defined how large). It probably deserves its own thread in tsvwg. * Igor From: Magnus Westerlund [] Sent: Monday, July 02, 2018 4:46 AM To: Lubashev, Igor <>; Eggert, Lars <> Cc: IETF QUIC WG <>; Martin Duke <> Subject: Re: Treatment of ICMP for PMTU Hi, Den 2018-06-29 kl. 02:30, skrev Lubashev, Igor: • What to do, when an IPv4 ICMP (w/o on-path proof) request a PMTU reduction (after handshake)? Isn't this sufficiently covered in 4821? Not really. Or, at least I could not find anything more useful there then: "If an ICMP PTB message is received matching the probe packet, then search_high and eff_pmtu MAY be set from the MTU value indicated in the message." So 4821 seems silent on what to do if ICMP is received for a non-probe packet, and it seems silent on how one could decide whether to set search_high and eff_pmtu from the MTU in ICMP or not (saying "MAY" does not really help here). These questions are what I am trying to address for QUIC. 4821 uses MAY in the sentence above, since it does not really give any better indication. This PR draws a distinction between ICMP w/ and w/o on-path proof and in some specific cases, it recommends a SHOULD. If you look at the updated PLPMTUD:<> 3.3. Reducing the PLPMTU: Confirming Path Characteristics If the DPLPMTUD method detects that a packet with the PLPMTU size is no supported by the network path, then the DLPMTUD method needs to validate the PLPMTU. This can happen when a validated PTB message is received, or another event that indicates the network path no longer sustains this packet size, such as a loss report from the PL All implementations of DPLPMTUD are REQUIRED to provide support that reduces the PLPMTU when the actual PMTU supported by a network path is less than the PLPMTU. Section 4.9 says: PROBE_DONE: The PROBE_DONE state indicates a successful end to a probing phase. DPLPMTUD remains in this state until either the PMTU_RAISE_TIMER expires or a received PTB message is verified. However, I have to say that the draft is a bit unclear on what to do at this point. I guess the options are two. Probe starting at PTB_SIZE or verify Base_MTU and then probe up. From my perspective, the important is that one uses this a signal for checking the PMTU. I will start a thread on TSVWG WG mailing list regarding the lack of specific text in their draft for this case. Cheers Magnus Westerlund ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Network Architecture & Protocols, Ericsson Research ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Ericsson AB | Phone +46 10 7148287 Torshamnsgatan 23 | Mobile +46 73 0949079 SE-164 80 Stockholm, Sweden | mailto:<> ----------------------------------------------------------------------
- RE: Treatment of ICMP for PMTU Lucas Pardue
- RE: Treatment of ICMP for PMTU Mikkel Fahnøe Jørgensen
- Re: Treatment of ICMP for PMTU Gorry (erg)
- Treatment of ICMP for PMTU Lubashev, Igor
- RE: Treatment of ICMP for PMTU Lubashev, Igor
- RE: Treatment of ICMP for PMTU Lucas Pardue
- RE: Treatment of ICMP for PMTU Lucas Pardue
- RE: Treatment of ICMP for PMTU Lucas Pardue
- RE: Treatment of ICMP for PMTU Lucas Pardue
- Re: Treatment of ICMP for PMTU Eggert, Lars
- RE: Treatment of ICMP for PMTU Lubashev, Igor
- RE: Treatment of ICMP for PMTU Mikkel Fahnøe Jørgensen
- RE: Treatment of ICMP for PMTU Mikkel Fahnøe Jørgensen
- Re: Treatment of ICMP for PMTU Gorry (erg)
- RE: Treatment of ICMP for PMTU Lubashev, Igor
- RE: Treatment of ICMP for PMTU Lubashev, Igor
- Re: Treatment of ICMP for PMTU joel jaeggli
- RE: Treatment of ICMP for PMTU Lubashev, Igor
- Re: Treatment of ICMP for PMTU Magnus Westerlund
- RE: Treatment of ICMP for PMTU Lubashev, Igor
- Re: Treatment of ICMP for PMTU Magnus Westerlund