Re: [regext] [I18ndir] [Last-Call] Genart last call review of draft-ietf-regext-epp-eai-10
"Martin J. Dürst" <> Wed, 08 June 2022 09:33 UTC
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Subject: Re: [regext] [I18ndir] [Last-Call] Genart last call review of draft-ietf-regext-epp-eai-10
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Hello John, others, Many thanks for the comments below. My comment was not intending to stop the progress of the draft in question. Regards, Martin. On 2022-06-08 00:50, John C Klensin wrote: > Martin, > > Further trimming addresses that I know are on the i18ndir and > lists. Procedurally, dropping the > last-call list may be an issue because, unless the authors or > the REGEXT WG withdraw this document for further consideration, > it will go into IESG review on Thursday. Then, unless the ART > ADs delay or withdraw it at that time (copying them), the IESG > will normally conduct its review based only on what was said on > the Last Call list (or in notes directly to them). > > If I correctly understand what you are suggesting, I agree > although, for some senders, creating an alternate account as you > suggest might raise some other issues and I have not thought > through the implications for replies. It also suggests > something that the EAI WG did not consider, which would be to > create an "Alternate-AllASCII-ReplyAddress" header (with a > better and shorter name). I have no idea why it did not come up > -- hindsight is wonderful. The spec would be rather easy to > write if there were any hope that MUA authors would adopt it. > > However, I cannot see any way in which either your suggestion or > that alternate header field one would have any impact on > draft-ietf-regext-epp-eai-11, even if they came to be widely > used. The I-D is, at least AFAICT, about one thing and one > thing only: a registrar taking information in its database > (presumably via a domain application that came to it) and > transferring it to a registry that then, presumably, puts the > information in its database. The format and handling of the > registrar database are clearly not an IETF problem. The authors > and I apparently disagree about whether the registry database > and its usability are issues with which the IETF should be > concerned. But what a prospective mail sender with a non-ASCII > address might choose to include in outgoing mail is, I think, > rather far out of scope. > > best, > john > > > --On Tuesday, June 7, 2022 17:19 +0900 "Martin J. Dürst" > <> wrote: > >> Sorry to again be late with my comments (and deleting >> and gen-art@ietf from the cc list because I >> think that my comment may be a bit premature for them). >> >> I think John below certainly has a point. But with respect to >> reachability of non-ASCII containing email addresses (SMTPUTF8 >> email addresses), it occurs to me that we might sooner or >> later be at a point where a prospective sender doesn't have an >> SMTPUTF8 capable account, but can nevertheless reach an >> SMTPUTF8 email address. The way this is done is simple, >> although a bit tedious: The sender just creates an >> SMTPUTF8-capable email address account (I seem to remember >> that gmail or hotmail may work, although I'm not completely >> sure about this). The mail address gets copied into the 'To' >> field, and the mail gets sent and reaches the destination. The >> reply also should work. Of course, the sender has to check >> this separate account for answers on a regular basis. >> >> So it may be true that SMTPUTF8 addresses are not reachable >> from every email provider. But it may not be true that >> SMTPUTF8 addresses are not reachable from every user. Of >> course, there's also the question of readability of an >> address, but assuming the address is clearly displayed and can >> be easily copied, it doesn't actually have to be readable by >> the sender. >> >> Regards, Martin. >> >> On 2022-06-02 16:05, John C Klensin wrote: >>> Pete and James, >>> >>> Let me add one thing to Pete's (and Yoshiro Yoneya's) >>> comments/concerns. I tried to raise this earlier, but >>> obviously did not explain it well: >>> >>> >>> --On Wednesday, June 1, 2022 20:23 +0000 "Gould, James" >>> <> wrote: >>> >>>> Pete, >>>> >>>> Thanks for the review and feedback. My responses are >>>> embedded below prefixed with "JG - ". >>>> ... >>>> On 6/1/22, 1:14 PM, "Pete Resnick via Datatracker" >>>> <> wrote: >>>> ... >>>> Reviewer: Pete Resnick >>>> Review result: On the Right Track >>>> >>>> ... >>>> Document: draft-ietf-regext-epp-eai-10 >>>> Reviewer: Pete Resnick >>>> Review Date: 2022-06-01 >>>> IETF LC End Date: 2022-06-09 >>>> IESG Telechat date: Not scheduled for a telechat >>>> >>>> Summary: >>>> >>>> I think this proposal is reasonable, but I don't think >>>> enough explanation has been given regarding the case >>>> where one side supports the protocol but the other side >>>> doesn't. >>> >>> Unless I don't understand the use cases for the information >>> being handled by EPP and this proposed extension, there are >>> actually three "sides" / "parties" for the data and their use. >>> One is the registrar or equivalent, in software normally the >>> EPP client. The second is the registry or equivalent, in >>> software normally the EPP server. If those were the only two >>> actors, one could be quite relaxed about the server being >>> ready to handle non-ASCII email addresses because the >>> decision to accept non-ASCII email addresses or not could be >>> a contractual matter. >>>> From a contractual perspective, a registrar/client who sent a >>> non-ASCII contact address to a registry/server who would nor >>> or could not accept such things would be a much worse problem >>> that questions of how the protocol dealt with that behavior. >>> >>> However, in many, probably most, registry arrangements, there >>> is also a requirement for registry databases that contain, >>> among other things, contact information for registrants, etc. >>> While circumstances and regulations may impose conditions for >>> third parties to access those data, such access must always be >>> possible. That is probably the important case for alternate >>> ASCII addresses. Not only are those third parties typically >>> not part of the EPP transaction itself, but the registry >>> faces the same issues that motivated the EAI WG to generate >>> RFC 6857 and 6858: it cannot know, at the time information is >>> placed in the database, what the capabilities of those >>> authorized to access the data later will be. >>> >>> Against that backdrop... >>> >>>> Major issues: >>>> >>>> The last bullet item in section 5.3.2 talks about >>>> "alternative ASCII address", but I don't see anywhere in >>>> the document which defines how to provide an alternative >>>> ASCII address in the data. For example, RFC 5733 implies that >>>> there will be only one email address in the Contact >>>> Mapping; can an implementation simply add a second? Does >>>> the server then need to distinguish these by the presence >>>> or absence of non-ASCII characters to determine which is an >>>> EAI and which is an alternative ASCII address? At the >>>> very least, some discussion of this seems necessary in >>>> the document. >>>> >>>> JG - The reference to the "alternative ASCII email address" >>>> is for the client (registrar) when it's recognized that the >>>> server does not support EAI. If the registrar collected an >>>> EAI address and an ASCII address, then the ASCII address MUST >>>> be provided; otherwise, the optional property SHOULD be >>>> omitted. The use of an ASCII proxy email address can be used >>>> as well. In this case, the server does not support EAI >>>> addresses, so it's up to the EAI-supporting client to handle >>>> it. Most likely the server validates that the address is >>>> only an ASCII address, but there is no guarantee of it. >>> >>> While I understand you are speaking informally here, to >>> increase the odds that the text will be correct, please note >>> that there are no such things as "supporting EAI" or "EAI >>> addresses". EAI is simply the name/acronym for the working >>> group that produced a set of specifications. Those >>> specifications indicate that, if you are looking for a >>> generic term, you should use the name of the SMTP extension, >>> i.e., "SMTPUTF8". >>> >>> Now, when I read the above paragraph in the context of those >>> registry databases and third parties accessing them (and >>> assume that, when you wrote "EAI", you meant "addresses with >>> non-ASCII local parts" or "SMTPUTF8"). Those EAI >>> WG-developed specs, reinforced by operational experience >>> since they were developed, make it very clear that, unless it >>> is known that those who will be using --not just >>> transferring-- the addresses are able to handle and utilize >>> email addresses with non-ASCII local parts, that either there >>> must be a reliable way to obtain an all-ASCII alternate >>> address or not being able to use the contact address much be >>> acceptable. Absent a directory structure somewhere that >>> records addresses with non-ASCII local parts and the all-ASCII >>> fallbacks for each -- a directory that, in a registry type of >>> environment, would need to be populated somehow, presumably by >>> EPP -- the only reliable way to have those all-ASCII addresses >>> available is to provide for (and probably require) them in the >>> EPP extension and store them in the registry database. And, >>> unlike the situation contemplated by RFC 6858, registry >>> databases are typically required to contain contact >>> information that is both usable and accurate, more or less >>> eliminating the option of simply recording an address that >>> cannot be used. >>> >>> So, coming back to your paragraph, one of my concerns (and I >>> think at least part of Pete's) is that, if one option is "the >>> use of an ASCII proxy email address", then you need to spell >>> out where that address is going to come from. Or, if the >>> registry cannot guarantee that anyone who might legitimately >>> have access to the registry database will be able to properly >>> process and use contact information that contains email >>> addresses that require SMTPUTF8, they must insist on being >>> given all-ASCII addresses (presumably starting by insisting >>> that the registrar collect them). That, in turn, would make >>> this extension very nearly useless except, perhaps, for a >>> subset of ccTLDs who could impose just that requirement as a >>> condition of legitimate access. >>> >>> In addition, you say >>> >>> "If the registrar collected an EAI address and an ASCII >>> address, then the ASCII address MUST be provided; >>> otherwise, the optional property SHOULD be omitted." >>> >>> I don't know what that sentence means. This extension does >>> not appear to allow the registrar/client to transmit two >>> addresses over EPP to the registry. So, if an all-ASCII >>> address MUST be provided, it is the only one and then there >>> is no need for the extension (at least as I read the spec). >>> If the "optional property" is not used for all-ASCII >>> addresses, then is then, at best meaningless and I don't >>> understand the SHOULD". The same situation would apply if >>> the registrar collected only an ASCII address: the SHOULD >>> does not appear to make sense. And, if the registrar >>> collected only an SMTPUTF8 address, then the only way to >>> transmit it is using this optional property. >>> >>>> ... >>>> Minor issues: >>>> >>>> In the bullets in section 5.3.2, there are quite a few >>>> SHOULDs with no explanation of why one might choose to >>>> violate these. Why are these not MUSTs? I can't think of >>>> any reason, for example, that the server would not validate >>>> the email property, and it seems like a really bad idea not >>>> to. >>>> >>>> JG - I cover each of the SHOULDs below: >>>> >>>> 1. For the required email property with a client that doesn't >>>> signal support for EAI, the server needs to satisfy the >>>> negotiated services . This should be a MUST to comply with >>>> the negotiated namespaces, since the downside is that the >>>> client will receive an error response with an info command >>>> if they still don't support EAI in the login services. The >>>> error response is a MUST in the third bullet. >>> >>>> 2. For the optional >>>> email property falls the same case as the required email >>>> property, since the info response will result in an error. >>>> It should be a MUST as well. The error response is a MUST >>>> in the fourth bullet. >>> >>> It seems to me that what you just said is that the "SHOULD"s >>> were in error and that they really should have been "MUST"s. >>> If that is the case, the affected bullet points would, at >>> least, be much more clear. >>> >>> >>>> ... >>>> Section 3: Change "By applying the syntax rules of >>>> [RFC5322]" to "By applying the syntax rules of [RFC6532]" >>>> >>>> JG - I'll leave this one for Dmitry to respond to, but >>>> changing RFC5322 to RFC6532 looks correct to me. >>> >>> FWIW, note that issue was raised in my Last Call comments on >>> May 26 [1] and, so far, not responded to. If you (and that >>> should mean with approval of the WG, not just you and/or >>> Dmitry) are not going to change it, some explanation would >>> be, at least IMO, appropriate. >>> >>> thanks, >>> john >>> >>> >>> [1] >>> < >>> d-NbNcPR3E7VKfE> >>>
- [regext] Genart last call review of draft-ietf-re… Pete Resnick via Datatracker
- Re: [regext] Genart last call review of draft-iet… Gould, James
- Re: [regext] [Last-Call] Genart last call review … John C Klensin
- Re: [regext] Genart last call review of draft-iet… Dmitry Belyavsky
- Re: [regext] [Last-Call] Genart last call review … Dmitry Belyavsky
- Re: [regext] [I18ndir] [Last-Call] Genart last ca… Martin J. Dürst
- Re: [regext] [I18ndir] [Last-Call] Genart last ca… John C Klensin
- Re: [regext] [I18ndir] [Last-Call] Genart last ca… Martin J. Dürst
- Re: [regext] Genart last call review of draft-iet… Gould, James
- Re: [regext] [Last-Call] Genart last call review … John C Klensin
- Re: [regext] [Last-Call] Genart last call review … Gould, James
- Re: [regext] Genart last call review of draft-iet… Gould, James