[RRG] re: Some concern about the flat label as identifier

Xu Xiaohu <xuxh@huawei.com> Mon, 17 March 2008 12:37 UTC

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Date: Mon, 17 Mar 2008 13:37:06 +0100
From: Xu Xiaohu <xuxh@huawei.com>
Subject: [RRG] re: Some concern about the flat label as identifier
To: 'Stephane Bortzmeyer' <bortzmeyer@nic.fr>
Cc: 'Routing Research Group' <rrg@psg.com>
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> > I have a concern about the business model of the HIP which uses HIT
> > (flat label) as host identifier.
> It seems it is more correct to say that the identifier is the HI, not
> the HIT.

However, in most cases the HIT plays the role of identifier. The HI is only
resorted when there is a conflict on the HIT.

> > how can the id/loc mapping management been shared among different
> > countries and different service providers?
> There are several ways. One is to use the DNS (draft-ietf-hip-dns)
> with all its limitations but also its strengths.

I don't think DNS is an optimal option since this approach requires every
host should have a FQDN name.

> Another one is the use of a DHT (draft-ahrenholz-hiprg-dht). The DHT
> spreads the identifiers "at random". If you prefer more control on the
> placement of keys, see draft-mathy-lisp-dht.

If I understood the draft-mathy-lisp-dht correctly, the idea in this draft
is based on the hierarchical identifier, e.g. IP address, which can be
allocated and managed in a hierarchical way. So the idea in this draft is
not suitable for flat label used in HIP.

Best wishes,
Xiaohu XU

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