[rrg] Summary of a layered mapping system based on separation
Charrie Sun <charriesun@gmail.com> Sun, 20 December 2009 00:12 UTC
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Subject: [rrg] Summary of a layered mapping system based on separation
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Proposal: Build a hierarchical mapping system to aid edge-core separation. Key ideas: Build a hierarchical mapping system to support scalability, analyze the design constraints and present an explicit system structure; design a two-cache mechanism on ingress tunneling router (ITR) to gain low request delay and facilitate data validation. Tunneling and mapping are done at core and no change needed on edge networks. Mapping system is run by interest groups independent of ISP, which conforms to economical model and can be voluntarily adopted by various networks. Mapping system can also be constructed stepwise, especially in the IPv6 scenario. Gains: 1. Scalability: a. Distributed storage of mapping data avoids central storage of massive data; restrict updates within local areas; b. Cache mechanism in ITR reduces request loads on mapping system reasonably. 2. Deployability: a. No change on edge works; only tunneling in core routers; new devices in core networks; b. Mapping system can be constructed stepwise: a mapping node needn’t be constructed if none of its responsible ELOCs is allocated. This makes sense especially for IPv6. c. Conform to economic model: mapping system can profit from their services; core routers and edge networks are willing to join the circle, either to avoid router upgrades or realize traffic engineering. Benefits from joining are independent of the scheme’s implementation scale. 3. Low request delay: Low layer number of the mapping structure and two-stage cache can well achieve low request delay. 4. Data consistency: Two-stage cache enables ITR to update data in the map cache conveniently. 5. Traffic engineering support: Edge networks inform mapping system their mappings with all upstream routers with different priority, thus to control their ingress flows. Costs: 1. Deployment of LMS needs to be further discussed. 2. The structure of mapping system needs to be refined according to practical circumstances. Documents Summary: http://docs.google.com/Doc?docid=0AQsJc7A4NTgeZGM3Y3o1NzVfNmd3eGRzNGhi&hl=en Document: http://docs.google.com/fileview?id=0BwsJc7A4NTgeOTYzMjFlOGEtYzA4OC00NTM0LTg5ZjktNmFkYzBhNWJhMWEy&hl=en