[rtcweb] Draft RTCWeb Agenda for IETF 88
Cullen Jennings <fluffy@iii.ca> Thu, 10 October 2013 15:50 UTC
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Draft Agenda Version #1 - Oct 10 Monday 14:50 to 17:20 Chair / Agenda bash (10 min) JSEP (50 min) Data channel document (40 min) Security Documents (20 min) - deal with any WGLC issues RTP Usages (30 min) - mapping to API considerations - simulcast - any need for priority mappings - other open issues (If requirement / uses cases needs time, will try to add) Thursday 13:00 to 15:00 Frame discussions and process and agenda: 10 min (chairs) VP8 presentation with clarify questions - 25 min (???) H.264 presentation with clarify questions - 25 min (???) Microphone discussions of pro/cons - 40 min (all) Call the question - 10 min ( chairs ) Wrap up and next steps - 10 min (chairs) Celebrate on our successful decision reach.
- [rtcweb] Draft RTCWeb Agenda for IETF 88 Cullen Jennings
- Re: [rtcweb] Draft RTCWeb Agenda for IETF 88 Christer Holmberg