[rtcweb] Meetecho support for RTCWEB session
Meetecho Team <ietf@meetecho.com> Mon, 11 March 2013 23:04 UTC
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Dear all, a virtual room has been reserved on the Meetecho system for the RTCWEB WG meeting session. Access to the on-line session (including audio and video streams) will be available (just a couple of minutes before session start time) at: http://www.meetecho.com/ietf86/rtcweb The Meetecho session automatically logs you into the standard IETF jabber room. So, from there, you can have an integrated experience involving all media and allowing you to interact with the room. A tutorial of interactivity features of the tool can be found at: http://www.meetecho.com/ietf86 Cheers, the Meetecho Team This email has been automatically generated by The Meetecho Conferencing System
- [rtcweb] Meetecho support for RTCWEB session Meetecho Team