[rtcweb] Fwd: [rmcat] time to get busy
Ted Hardie <ted.ietf@gmail.com> Thu, 03 October 2013 15:45 UTC
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From: Ted Hardie <ted.ietf@gmail.com>
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Cc: Cullen Jennings <fluffy@cisco.com>
Subject: [rtcweb] Fwd: [rmcat] time to get busy
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Dear WG members, As you see below, the RMCAT working group is seeking reviewers for the requirements document and evaluations scenarios. Please review the document. thanks, Ted, Cullen, Magnus ---------- Forwarded message ---------- From: Eggert, Lars <lars@netapp.com> Date: Mon, Sep 9, 2013 at 4:56 AM Subject: [rmcat] time to get busy To: "rmcat@ietf.org WG" <rmcat@ietf.org> Hi folks, it's only six short weeks to the ID submission cutoff for Vancouver. I'd like us to complete some work before then; specifically: (1) Reviews for draft-ietf-rmcat-cc-requirements-00, so that we can last-call it in Vancouver. Any volunteers? (2) Have some rough consensus on at least one initial evaluation scenario. This includes a network topology, a traffic workload and a list of performance metrics for that scenario. On (2), is the design team still having calls? I have not seen any announcements on the list after Berlin. If not, we should probably restart the calls. Thanks, Lars
- [rtcweb] Fwd: [rmcat] time to get busy Ted Hardie