[rtcweb] Plan draft discussed in boston

Cullen Jennings <fluffy@iii.ca> Fri, 22 February 2013 01:21 UTC

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At the Boston interim, I discussed putting together a few drafts. 

First the requirements around the media stuff at 

The analysis of how bundle multiplexing would work with existing SDP attributes 

This draft lays out the framework and takes a first pass at all the classifications but it some of the attributes, particularly harder things like cap neg, need some work. I suspect trying to get the authors of the original attribute drafts to review it would work well. Suhas and I did a lot of reading to get this to this state but it is a huge amount of work to analysis all of these. 

Finally a proposed plan for a way forward the media related issues at  

I plan to make some changes to plan before the -01 deadline so let me know if you think there are things that should be different. 
