Re: [sidr] docco changes from minutes
"George, Wes" <> Wed, 23 May 2012 12:34 UTC
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From: "George, Wes" <>
To: Randy Bush <>, sidr wg list <>
Date: Wed, 23 May 2012 08:34:37 -0400
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> -----Original Message----- > From: [] On Behalf Of > Randy Bush > > so i reviewed the minutes from last month, looking for what i had to hack in > the docs i edit. > surely there was more. help!!! > [WEG] I have some notes implying I owe you text, but one of them is a bit cryptic through the filter of waiting too long after the meeting to look at it, perhaps it'll make sense if we both stare at it? Send Randy text about *why* you should drop invalid Origin ops/ BGP Sec ops Text - Deploy (upgrade code), apply policy just to tag with a community, then do analysis to ensure it's doing what you expect, then deploy policy to actually do things like drop invalid, prefer valid over unknown, etc." I think the former is reference to a comment I made saying that if we were recommending (SHOULD? Or MUST?) that invalid be dropped, rather than simply de-preffed, we needed to spend some time explaining why (what badness can ensue if you don't drop). You wanted text, but I'm not totally sure that I know the complete rationale well enough to supply said text. Is it just a matter of the risk of eventually using an invalid route if the better options go away, or is there more to it? The latter looks to me like a deployment guideline to address the concerns that I think Brian brought up about OV/BGPSec potentially creating non-trivial changes to routing during deployment. I can flesh that text out a bit if people agree that it's useful to add. Thanks, Wes George This E-mail and any of its attachments may contain Time Warner Cable proprietary information, which is privileged, confidential, or subject to copyright belonging to Time Warner Cable. This E-mail is intended solely for the use of the individual or entity to which it is addressed. If you are not the intended recipient of this E-mail, you are hereby notified that any dissemination, distribution, copying, or action taken in relation to the contents of and attachments to this E-mail is strictly prohibited and may be unlawful. If you have received this E-mail in error, please notify the sender immediately and permanently delete the original and any copy of this E-mail and any printout.
- [sidr] docco changes from minutes Randy Bush
- Re: [sidr] docco changes from minutes George, Wes
- Re: [sidr] docco changes from minutes Randy Bush