[sidr] docco changes from minutes
Randy Bush <randy@psg.com> Tue, 22 May 2012 23:12 UTC
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so i reviewed the minutes from last month, looking for what i had to hack in the docs i edit. i found very little. essentially <t>A prudent operator will pre-provision each router's 'next' key in the RPKI so that, in case of compromise of the current key, there is no propagation delay for provisioning the new key.</t> and <t>The operator should be aware that BGPsec, as any other policy change, can cause traffic shifts in their network. And, as with normal policy shift practice, a prudent operator has tools and methods to predict, measure, modify, etc.</t> surely there was more. help!!! randy
- [sidr] docco changes from minutes Randy Bush
- Re: [sidr] docco changes from minutes George, Wes
- Re: [sidr] docco changes from minutes Randy Bush