[Slim] Sign language in the text stream is a valid combination for real-time communication
Gunnar Hellström <gunnar.hellstrom@omnitor.se> Wed, 28 June 2017 19:05 UTC
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To: "slim@ietf.org" <slim@ietf.org>, Steve Slevinski <slevinski@signwriting.org>
From: Gunnar Hellström <gunnar.hellstrom@omnitor.se>
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Subject: [Slim] Sign language in the text stream is a valid combination for real-time communication
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I just got aware of work with specifying sign language in text media. It was by recent announcement of a new draft about Signwriting. https://datatracker.ietf.org/doc/draft-slevinski-formal-signwriting/ I suggest that we let this cause a slight change in draft-ietf-slim-negotiating-human-language I am copying to the author, Steve Slevinski. We discussed earlier the unusual combinations of language and media. I told about Signwriting and other script systems for sign language in the text stream. Signwriting in text can be explicitly indicated by combining a language subtag for the intended sign language with the script subtag for Signwriting -sgnw ( thus for example ase-sgnw for American sign language written in text with the Signwriting script). In certain use the -sgnw may also be assumed and therefore omitted. It is not at all common to use Signwriting in real-time conversational mode, but I think it is not good that we exclude it by a statement in section 5.4 In section 5.4, we say that sign language in written mode is undefined. With background from what I just found, I suggest that we at least allow it to be defined. We may also explain how sign language can be used in the text stream. Therefore, I suggest this minimal change: ---------------------------old text 1 in 5.4------------------------------------- the behavior when specifying a spoken/written language tag for a video media stream, or a signed language tag for an audio or text media stream, is not defined. --------------------------new text--------------------------------- the behavior when specifying a spoken/written language tag for a video media stream, or a signed language tag for an audio media stream, is not defined. --------------------------end of change 1------------------------------------ --------------------possible change 2 in 5.2---------------------------- --------------new paragraph three from end of 5.2-------------------------------- Sign language in the text stream may occur, e.g. by use of an IANA registered script for notation of sign language. Example: ase-sgnw for American Sign Language written with Signwriting script. ---------------end of new paragraph in 5.2------------------------------------ Regards Gunnar -- ----------------------------------------- Gunnar Hellström Omnitor gunnar.hellstrom@omnitor.se +46 708 204 288
- [Slim] Sign language in the text stream is a vali… Gunnar Hellström
- Re: [Slim] Sign language in the text stream is a … Randall Gellens
- Re: [Slim] Sign language in the text stream is a … Gunnar Hellström
- Re: [Slim] Sign language in the text stream is a … Randall Gellens