[Slim] Modality preference
Filip Asplund <filip.asplund@omnitor.se> Mon, 19 June 2017 11:44 UTC
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From: Filip Asplund <filip.asplund@omnitor.se>
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Subject: [Slim] Modality preference
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In development of emergency services the need of modality preference has been identified. It seems to me that the functions specified in draft-hellstrom-language-grouping is what we need for emergency services. -- Best regards Filip Asplund Developer filip.asplund@omnitor.se Omnitor AB
- [Slim] Modality preference Filip Asplund
- Re: [Slim] Modality preference Brian Rosen
- Re: [Slim] Modality preference Gunnar Hellström
- Re: [Slim] Modality preference Brian Rosen
- Re: [Slim] Modality preference Gunnar Hellström