[Softwires] Mesh drafts to WG LC
David Ward <dward@cisco.com> Mon, 05 May 2008 21:27 UTC
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Subject: [Softwires] Mesh drafts to WG LC
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All - We'd like to LC the suite of mesh related documents at one time since they are all dependent on each other: draft-ietf-softwire-mesh-framework-04.txt draft-ietf-softwire-v4nlri-v6nh-01.txt draft-ietf-softwire-encaps-safi-00.txt draft-ietf-softwire-encaps-ipsec-01.txt For this last call, if you have comments or nits please have the subject line include the draft title. For example Subject: softwire- encaps-safi (as appropriate) so that your email clearly specifies which draft you are commenting on. Given that everyone is so familiar w/ the set of specifications and the delta to this rev is rather small, we are going to have a 2.5 week Last Call period. It will end May 23, 2008. Many thanks to the authors and reviewers. -DWard, Alain _______________________________________________ Softwires mailing list Softwires@ietf.org https://www.ietf.org/mailman/listinfo/softwires
- [Softwires] Mesh drafts to WG LC David Ward
- Re: [Softwires] softwires-encaps-safi Yakov Rekhter
- Re: [Softwires] softwires-encaps-safi Pradosh Mohapatra (pmohapat)
- Re: [Softwires] softwires-encaps-safi Pradosh Mohapatra (pmohapat)
- [Softwires] softwire-encaps-safi Carlos Pignataro
- Re: [Softwires] softwires-encaps-safi Pradosh Mohapatra (pmohapat)
- Re: [Softwires] softwire-encaps-safi Pradosh Mohapatra (pmohapat)
- Re: [Softwires] softwire-encaps-safi Carlos Pignataro
- Re: [Softwires] softwires-encaps-safi Pradosh Mohapatra (pmohapat)
- Re: [Softwires] softwires-encaps-safi Yakov Rekhter