Re: [tcpinc] Review of draft-ietf-tcpinc-tcpeno-10
Watson Ladd <> Thu, 19 October 2017 14:49 UTC
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From: Watson Ladd <>
Date: Thu, 19 Oct 2017 07:49:30 -0700
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To: David Mazieres expires 2018-01-17 PST <>
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Subject: Re: [tcpinc] Review of draft-ietf-tcpinc-tcpeno-10
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X-List-Received-Date: Thu, 19 Oct 2017 14:49:34 -0000
On Thu, Oct 19, 2017 at 2:34 AM, David Mazieres <> wrote: > Watson Ladd <> writes: > > > Dear all, > > > > I have reviewed this document as part of the security directorate's > > ongoing effort to review all IETF documents being processed by the > > IESG. These comments were written primarily for the benefit of the > > security area directors. Document editors and WG chairs should treat > > these comments just like any other last call comments. > > > > The summary of the review is that the writing and most of the > > structure is fine, but I am a bit confused by some of the security > > properties and how they are stated. It is not clear to me why the > > unpredictability of generated session IDs is required. > > Thanks for your review. > > Unpredictability of session IDs is required because doing so is not > particularly burdensome and because it's a very strong property that > subsumes the security requirements of a broad range of cases where > things might otherwise go wrong. For example, the TEP has to be 33 > bytes, and we don't want the last 16 of them being zeros. Moreover, if > people sign session IDs for authentication, we want to be absolutely > sure they don't mess up the domain separation. As another example, > someone might use a session ID on one connection to try to authenticate > a session ID on another. Do you buy this rationale? And is it > important enough that you think we need to add a subsection to the > rationale section discussing it? > More rational for the requirement would I think help. > It is also not clear to me that the requirement that a TEP produce > > different keys for different transcripts is strong enough: we need to > > ensure that every TEP produces different keys (with high probability) > > (and session identifiers) for different transcripts to prevent > > cross-protocol attacks. > > Do you mind clarifying this comment? I assume it's in relation the > following two paragraphs from sections 4.8 and 10 respectively? > > To defend against attacks on encryption negotiation itself, a TEP > MUST with high probability fail to establish a working connection > between two ENO-compliant hosts when SYN-form ENO options have been > altered in transit. (Of course, in the absence of endpoint > authentication, two compliant hosts can each still be connected to a > man-in-the-middle attacker.) To detect SYN-form ENO option > tampering, TEPs must reference a transcript of TCP-ENO's negotiation. > > ... > > Because TCP-ENO enables multiple different TEPs to coexist, security > could potentially be only as strong as the weakest available TEP. In > particular, if session IDs do not depend on the TCP-ENO transcript in > a strong way, an attacker can undetectably tamper with ENO options to > force negotiation of a deprecated and vulnerable TEP. To avoid such > problems, TEPs MUST compute session IDs using only well-studied and > conservative hash functions. That way, even if other parts of a TEP > are vulnerable, it is still intractable for an attacker to induce > identical session IDs at both ends after tampering with ENO contents > in SYN segments. > > The goal here is indeed to thwart both cross-TEP attacks and TEP > downgrade attacks, but to do so without mandating a particular hash > function for all TEPS, because that would severely hamper crypto > agility. The extra byte in session IDs should save us from cases where > somehow both SHA-512 and Keccac are secure, but someone found two inputs > x and y such that SHA-512(x)==SHA-3(y) causing reuse of Session IDs > across TEPs. So I can't figure out the attack you are worried about... > Ah, that does work. Thanks for responding to my review. > > Thanks, > David > -- "Man is born free, but everywhere he is in chains". --Rousseau.
- Re: [tcpinc] Review of draft-ietf-tcpinc-tcpeno-10 David Mazieres
- Re: [tcpinc] Review of draft-ietf-tcpinc-tcpeno-10 Watson Ladd
- [tcpinc] New TCP-ENO draft David Mazieres