Re: [tcpinc] Kathleen Moriarty's Yes on draft-ietf-tcpinc-tcpeno-13: (with COMMENT)
Kathleen Moriarty <> Mon, 13 November 2017 00:43 UTC
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From: Kathleen Moriarty <>
Date: Sun, 12 Nov 2017 19:43:06 -0500
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To: David Mazieres expires 2018-02-10 PST <>
Cc: The IESG <>,, "Black, David" <>,,
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Subject: Re: [tcpinc] Kathleen Moriarty's Yes on draft-ietf-tcpinc-tcpeno-13: (with COMMENT)
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Hi David, On Sun, Nov 12, 2017 at 7:17 PM, David Mazieres <> wrote: > Kathleen Moriarty <> writes: > >> Thanks for your work on this draft and experiment. I just have one >> comment that I don't think has been mentioned already. In section 4, >> could you include reference to Opportunistic security, RFC7435. The >> definition has changed slightly over time and it would be good to link >> this to the current definition that is intended. The work on 7435 was >> painstaking and the definition varies a bit in older specs. I do >> realize you describe this more in the security considerations section, >> but it is much later in the document, so this seemed like an easy fix. > > Would you be okay if we cited RFC7435 in the security considerations > section (10), rather than section 4? > > My issue is that the term "opportunistic security" entails some > subjective judgment (like the fact that it is a form of security) that > requires some context I don't really want to get into at the beginning > of Section 4. Section 4 is trying to be an objective specification of > what the protocol does with just the minimal rationale necessary for it > to make sense. The security considerations section already gets into > detail about security, which is why RFC7435 would seem to fit well > there. I only suggested section 4 as that's where you first mention OS. I think it's important as one reads the draft to understand how you want that read on first introduction. The Security Considerations section is really far down in the draft. Do you want to add a pointer to the security considerations from section 4 and in the security considerations also point to RFC7435? That would also work for me if the pointer to RFC7435 isn't in section 4. Thanks, Kathleen > > Thanks, > David -- Best regards, Kathleen
- [tcpinc] Kathleen Moriarty's Yes on draft-ietf-tc… Kathleen Moriarty
- Re: [tcpinc] Kathleen Moriarty's Yes on draft-iet… David Mazieres
- Re: [tcpinc] Kathleen Moriarty's Yes on draft-iet… Kathleen Moriarty
- Re: [tcpinc] Kathleen Moriarty's Yes on draft-iet… Kathleen Moriarty