Re: [TLS] the idea of using multiple keys with multiple certificate authorities in a TLS session.
Hanno Böck <> Sun, 08 February 2015 09:44 UTC
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Subject: Re: [TLS] the idea of using multiple keys with multiple certificate authorities in a TLS session.
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On Sat, 7 Feb 2015 11:59:20 +0330 Shahin Noursalehi <> wrote: > Anyway, this would be an optional process - so abides by the policies > of QoS too. After 2014, enterprises may look for a method that reduces > the risk of being victim of "fake SSL certificate issuers" or those > who "put a backdoor in RSA key-pairs". When we have sensitive data, > the cost among benefits is nothing. Sometimes a simple email in > internet among a patient and a physician that contains some critical > health information may jeopardize his/her life style and can not > roll-back. I don't understand how your proposal makes "fake ssl certificate issuers" less likely. You propose to use two keys signed from different CAs. However, in what way does this make it less likely that a completely different CA may issue a rogue cert for the same domain? The attacked user will never see your two keys. If you want to make fake ssl certificates less likely you should use key pinning (right now only available for https, unfortunately not for other protocols) and certificate transparency. I don't see what your proposal adds to that. Also I don't understand your threat scenario "put a backdoor in RSA key-pairs". What do you mean by that? I know that there are some CAs that provide to create the key for you. If you are worried about that just don't do that. Use CSRs and create the key yourself. -- Hanno Böck mail/jabber: GPG: BBB51E42
- [TLS] the idea of using multiple keys with multip… Shahin Noursalehi
- Re: [TLS] the idea of using multiple keys with mu… Karthikeyan Bhargavan
- Re: [TLS] the idea of using multiple keys with mu… Ilari Liusvaara
- Re: [TLS] the idea of using multiple keys with mu… Russ Housley
- Re: [TLS] the idea of using multiple keys with mu… Karthikeyan Bhargavan
- Re: [TLS] the idea of using multiple keys with mu… Hanno Böck
- Re: [TLS] the idea of using multiple keys with mu… Shahin Noursalehi