[TLS] Re: Review of draft-santesson-tls-gssapi-03

Simon Josefsson <simon@josefsson.org> Tue, 18 September 2007 08:24 UTC

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Larry Zhu <lzhu@windows.microsoft.com> writes:

> Simon Josefsson wrote:
>> do you think this is better? Thanks.
>> Ah, I see.  You fail to specify the size of the length field though.  I would prefer to make the token explicit though, by adding e.g.:
>>        struct {
>>            opaque gss_api_data<0..2^32-1>;
>>        } GSSAPIExtensionData;
> The size of the length field is defined in section 2.3 of RFC3546. It is 2 in octets.

Ok, now I get it, thanks.

>> If you want to have this field, you need to specify how implementations
>> should behave if multiple TokenTransfer tokens are received during the
>> handshake and when only some of them contain supported token_type's.
>> Otherwise this structure can never be used in any future extension in a
>> reliable way.
> A new value would indicate a new handshake message. I would make this
> clear, hopefully that addresses your comments w.r.t. this point.

A new handshake message type or just a new handshake message?  If the
latter, I still think you need to discuss how implementations should
react if they receive unsupported token_type's.  I look forwward to new

> Assuming that, all your comments have been addressed to your
> satisfactory, right?

Yes I think so, although I may have opinions on how the issues are
ultimately solved in later drafts.


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