[TLS] TLS Proxy Server Extension

David McGrew <mcgrew@cisco.com> Tue, 26 July 2011 15:01 UTC

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Date: Tue, 26 Jul 2011 08:01:31 -0700
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Cc: Philip Gladstone <pgladstone@cisco.com>
Subject: [TLS] TLS Proxy Server Extension
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I would like to request feedback on a new draft that Philip Gladstone  
and I put together, which aims to solve some of the security problems  
that happen when there is a (HTTP) proxy present and TLS is in use.    
The approach is to require the proxy to provide the client with  
additional information that the client can use to make a well-informed  
decision about the security of the session.  This draft was put  
together too late to request a slot at the WG meeting this week, but  
if you have thoughts on either the goals or the mechanism, we can  
discuss either in person or on the list.

