Re: [TLS] Application-Layer Protocol Settings

David Benjamin <> Mon, 20 July 2020 21:42 UTC

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From: David Benjamin <>
Date: Mon, 20 Jul 2020 17:42:15 -0400
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To: Lucas Pardue <>
Cc: Victor Vasiliev <>, "" <>, HTTP Working Group <>
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Subject: Re: [TLS] Application-Layer Protocol Settings
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On Mon, Jul 20, 2020 at 5:00 PM Lucas Pardue <>

> On Mon, 20 Jul 2020, 21:38 David Benjamin, <> wrote:
>> On Mon, Jul 20, 2020 at 3:33 PM Victor Vasiliev <vasilvv=
>>> wrote:
>>> On Mon, Jul 20, 2020 at 3:10 PM Lucas Pardue <>
>>> wrote:
>>>> Hi Victor,
>>>> It seems my brain skipped over "ALPS in HTTPS" [1] when you mentioned
>>>> in your original email. I was reading it in the context of David Benjamin's
>>>> thread on Client Hint Reliability [2]. There's a couple of things that
>>>> surprised me when reading both drafts:
>>>> 1. ALPS in HTTPS actually supports more than just exchanging Settings
>>>> Parameters, it can actually hold a series of frames. It's just that ALPS
>>>> only defines SETTINGS to be allowed, and Client Hints Reliability wants to
>>>> add more in the shape of a new ACCEPT_CH frame. I'm not sure I like the
>>>> idea of supporting any old frame in the TLS handshake, SETTINGS are at
>>>> least reasoned about in terms of how they are remembered for the purposes
>>>> of 0-RTT.
>>> It explicitly bans all existing frames that are not SETTINGS.  The
>>> problem here is that SETTINGS only supports integral values, so we'd be
>>> limited to those if we make ALPS just SETTINGS.
>> Right, concretely there is an "Allowed in ALPS" column added by Victor's
>> ALPS document, which my document sets for the new frame. Old frames weren't
>> designed with ALPS in mind, so the ALPS document needs to make a decision.
>> New frames can reason about the implications of opting into ALPS and do so.
>> As Victor notes, it's only a new frame because we got SETTINGS values
>> wrong and, per earlier discussion, the extension point we currently have is
>> new frames. If we want something even more restrictive, we could instead
>> revive draft-bishop-httpbis-extended-settings, say only SETTINGS and
>> EXTENDED_SETTINGS are allowed, and close it there. But I think the new
>> column works fine and matches how this sort of thing usually works.
> That makes sense but I guess I don't see the point in defining a new thing
> that contains frames that are never sent on streams. That is, if these are
> connection settings, just send the payload. Unframed extended settings
> might get you there, if you can find a way to encapsulate conventional
> settings inside them, then all the better.

Could you elaborate on this a bit? I'm probably just failing to parse, but
I'm not sure which alternative you're suggesting here. (Ah, the wonders of
