[trill] WG LC on draft-ietf-p2mp-bfd-04.txt - 2/7/2016 to 2/21/2016 - Second WG LC (3/7 to 3/20)

"Susan Hares" <shares@ndzh.com> Tue, 07 March 2017 04:29 UTC

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Subject: [trill] WG LC on draft-ietf-p2mp-bfd-04.txt - 2/7/2016 to 2/21/2016 - Second WG LC (3/7 to 3/20)
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We did not receive any comments on the WGLC for draft-ietf-p2mp-bfd-04.txt
Perhaps this was because I started the WG LC during Chinese new year.   We
will try a second WG LC before declaring "no support for this draft"  


In your comments please consider,

1)      Does the support of multi-point BFD aid deployments?

2)      Are the suggested additions to RFC7177 bootstrapping sufficient for
this technology?

3)      Do you feel this technology is ready for standardization?


Sue Hares