[tsvwg] Fwd: bittorrent & ecn mis-marking
Dave Taht <dave.taht@gmail.com> Sun, 07 March 2021 12:53 UTC
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From: Dave Taht <dave.taht@gmail.com>
Date: Sun, 07 Mar 2021 04:53:21 -0800
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Subject: [tsvwg] Fwd: bittorrent & ecn mis-marking
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Pete had asked about this very fragmentary piece of data I'd had. I tried very hard to reach anyone relevant at this isp and failed but perhaps someone could do a bt probe to see if they are still screwing up. Now that I remember the date, I should be able to find the packet captures, but merely trying the same stuff I did would help. ---------- Forwarded message --------- From: Dave Taht <dave.taht@gmail.com> Date: Sun, Dec 15, 2019 at 3:09 PM Subject: Re: bittorrent & ecn To: ECN-Sane <ecn-sane@lists.bufferbloat.net> OK, so I got caught up on sleep and had a chance to look at the packet captures, which were dominated by ecn marks... on UDP traffic... when torrent doesn't support that!!! I think one mystery has been solved. At least one major argentinian ISP (Telecom Argentina S.A. ) is mis-marking a ton of packets (both udp and tcp) as ecn-capable when they aren't. This mystery goes back a couple years! actually, where an enormous amount of CE was seen from argentina in some ietf preso or another. Something like 25%! So I went a little nuts on blocking that from the bgp data I could find on them and their partners... ip route add unreach proto 48 ip route add unreach proto 48 ip route add unreach proto 48 ip route add unreach proto 48 ip route add unreach proto 48 # around here I just lost it on finding where it was coming from... ip route add unreach proto 48 ip route add unreach proto 48 # some of these actually could be legit ip route add unreach proto 48 ip route add unreach proto 48 and ecn marking rates are now pretty tiny. I haven't managed to to look at actual syn negotiations and cwrs yet, and I should come up with something better than this (iptables rules... (the proto 48 is so it gets injected into my babel route tables, cause mismarking yer tcp as ecn capable is a bad idea also... )) Anybody got contacts in argentina? On Sun, Dec 15, 2019 at 6:56 AM Dave Taht <dave.taht@gmail.com> wrote: > > I was kind of wondering if ecn would be used by bittorrent clients and > servers. (it's not supported by utp, I think, but when you use tcp, it > uses default tcp options) So I loaded up (FOR SCIENCE!) 100+ common > torrents with no limits on connections with an inbound fq_codel based > shaper in place and ecn enabled on the torrent client. > > Yep. ecn gets used. How many torrent servers negotiate it? How many > clients? (I imagine the entire apple universe does now) > > qdisc fq_codel 130: parent 1:13 limit 1001p flows 1024 quantum 300 > target 5.0ms interval 100.0ms ecn > Sent 669116971742 bytes 525750376 pkt (dropped 750412, overlimits 0 requeues 0) > backlog 288139b 201p requeues 0 > maxpacket 1514 drop_overlimit 1047 new_flow_count 65837164 ecn_mark 70963 > new_flows_len 0 old_flows_len 73 > > sleep 60 > > qdisc fq_codel 130: parent 1:13 limit 1001p flows 1024 quantum 300 > target 5.0ms interval 100.0ms ecn > Sent 671021262523 bytes 527225759 pkt (dropped 792750, overlimits 0 requeues 0) > backlog 46605b 39p requeues 0 > maxpacket 1514 drop_overlimit 1047 new_flow_count 66286036 ecn_mark 74965 > new_flows_len 0 old_flows_len 29 > > Remarkably my connection stayed pretty darn usable. In fact, I hardly > noticed. My streaming radio glitched once. Web was fine, but gmail > took a while longer to load all the resources. Taking a packet capture > now. > > This is theoretically the most expensive bit of research I've ever > done for the bufferbloat project, in a matter of hours I'll have > violated copyright ~800 times, which is about 200m dollars at 250k > per. > > Folk are encouraged to use vpns for torrents nowadays, but I can't see > how that would work with libutp and a max rtt of 100ms before it > starts to back off. I guess I'll look at that next. > > Dear RIAA: I promise to delete the files when I'm done, and I'm only > capturing headers on the capture. I'd rather someone with the > protection of a major university followup on this line of research.... > > > -- > Make Music, Not War > > Dave Täht > CTO, TekLibre, LLC > http://www.teklibre.com > Tel: 1-831-435-0729 -- Make Music, Not War Dave Täht CTO, TekLibre, LLC http://www.teklibre.com Tel: 1-831-435-0729 -- "For a successful technology, reality must take precedence over public relations, for Mother Nature cannot be fooled" - Richard Feynman dave@taht.net <Dave Täht> CTO, TekLibre, LLC Tel: 1-831-435-0729