Re: [urn] META URN namespace registration
"Hakala, Juha E" <> Tue, 26 May 2020 10:05 UTC
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From: "Hakala, Juha E" <>
To: "Dale R. Worley" <>, "" <>
Thread-Topic: [urn] META URN namespace registration
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Subject: Re: [urn] META URN namespace registration
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Hello Dale, thank you for carefully reviewing the draft! Please find attached a version of URN:META URN namespace registration request in which the errors you found have been corrected. All: please let me know if there is anything else that still needs to be done before this request can be approved. Some details below. -----Alkuperäinen viesti----- Lähettäjä: urn <> Puolesta Dale R. Worley Lähetetty: sunnuntai 24. toukokuuta 2020 18.23 Vastaanottaja: Aihe: Re: [urn] META URN namespace registration "Hakala, Juha E" <> writes: > I have received no feedback to the heavily revised urn:meta > registration request which I posted in March, and without further > comments there is not much I can do. My apologies for not attending to this sooner. I believe that the urn:meta proposal should be approved after the following editorial issues have been resolved: 1. At different places in the document two alternative schemes for delimiters in the syntax are specified or used. The alternatives are: (a) the prefix is subdivided using colons, and separated from the meta-string by a hyphen, and (b) the prefix is subdivided using hyphens, and separated from the meta-string by a colon. Juha: the text has been corrected now so that it uses just alternative (a) in ABNF and examples. Instances are: 1A. The natural-language specification of the syntax uses (a): Syntax: The Namespace-Specific String (NSS) consists of three parts: o a prefix consisting of a code identifying the metadata format and optional sub-namespace code(s) separated by a colon(s); o a hyphen (-) as the delimiting character; and, a string assigned under the auspices of the format maintenance agency. 1B. The ABNF specification of the syntax uses (b): meta-nss = prefix ":" meta-string prefix = format-code *( "-" subspc ) ; The entire prefix is case insensitive. 1C. Some examples use (a): (and as a default) URNs<nss> is, urn:meta:marc-bd245 would be resolved by is, urn:meta:marc-ad100 would be resolved by Some examples use (b): Namespace URN:META:MARC: contains URNs which identify the tags of, urn:meta:dc-terms:title would be resolved by 2. The document recommends using hyphen as an internal delimiter in meta-string. This does not conflict with either (a) or (b), but the author may want to coordinate this choice with the resolution of item 1. Within the meta-string, it is recommended that a hyphen is used for separating different sections of the identifier from one another in order to improve the human readability of the string. Juha: this should be OK in its present form. 3. The text uses the term "sub-namespace" but does not define it. It appears to mean the same as the ABNF symbol "subspc" (which is also nused in the text). I think the clearest solution is to replace "subspc" in all three locations with "sub-namespace". Juha: I have made this change. o a prefix consisting of a code identifying the metadata format and optional sub-namespace code(s) separated by a colon(s); prefix = format-code *( "-" subspc ) ; The entire prefix is case insensitive. subspc = 1*(ALPHA / DIGIT) ; As assigned by the respective format maintenance agency. Sub-namespaces may be used to differentiate formats within these format families if necessary. A registrant may provide additional base URLs for prefixes composed of that format-code and one or more following subspc's. 4. Comparing this usage of the URL with the others, I believe that it was intended to end with "/": In this example, URNs are expressed as HTTP URIs which use (non-existent) URN resolver located Juha: correct, and the URI ends with / now. 5. In this example, "<nss>" should be "<meta-string>", unless I am completely misreading its intention: (and as a default) URNs<nss> Juha: you are of course right. I replaced nss with meta-string. All the best, Juha _______________________________________________ urn mailing list
- Re: [urn] META URN namespace registration worley
- Re: [urn] META URN namespace registration Hakala, Juha E
- Re: [urn] META URN namespace registration worley
- Re: [urn] META URN namespace registration Hakala, Juha E
- Re: [urn] META URN namespace registration Peter Saint-Andre
- Re: [urn] META URN namespace registration Hakala, Juha E
- Re: [urn] META URN namespace registration Peter Saint-Andre
- Re: [urn] META URN namespace registration Peter Saint-Andre
- Re: [urn] META URN namespace registration Peter Saint-Andre