Re: [vmeet] FRAME: Pre-meeting presentations

Doug Otis <> Fri, 17 April 2009 17:31 UTC

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To: John Leslie <>
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Subject: Re: [vmeet] FRAME: Pre-meeting presentations
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On Apr 17, 2009, at 8:26 AM, John Leslie wrote:

> Dave CROCKER <> wrote:
>> John Leslie wrote:
>>> But what about the presentations which take up so much of our F2F  
>>> time at IETF weeks?
>> This might be what you meant, but even if it isn't, a 'mode' worth  
>> considering is to have full presentations (slides and voice)  
>> uploaded 1+ days before a meeting, so that meeting time is only for  
>> discussion.
>> So, presentations become asynchronous, canned packages that can be  
>> seen/heard any time.
>   This would, IMHO, be valuable result.
>> This makes it considerably easier to force meeting time to be used  
>> only for problem-solving.
>   Currently, most WGCs:
> - request a slot long enough to cover what they guess will be needed;
> - publish a call for presentations;
> - receive requests/suggestions;
> - allocate the meeting time by presentation length;
> - try to hold folks to the allocated time;
> - close off the question line when running over; and
> - take the occasional hum.

WebEx supports raising your hand (an icon next to your name), AND  
conducting polls!  The same as hum,  but more accurate and recorded.

> It seems like an interesting experiment to have presenters drone on  
> as long as they "need" for a recording which participants may choose  
> to listen and watch at their own pace, with Working Group meeting  
> time limited to discussions.

And have the meeting reference the presentation as a link that should  
been posted before the presentation cut-off.  :^)

>   There are, of course, some presentations which make no effort to  
> cover the draft as a whole -- instead detailing the open issues.  
> That, IMHO, is a better use of WG meeting time; but even that could  
> probably benefit from being available a day earlier.
>   The practical side of this is that the "last minute" seems to be  
> the only effective driver for finishing presentations. (It's quite  
> common to see folks in one session preparing their slides for the  
> next!)

This group might also review the practical aspects of enabling the  
room to hear remote participant's questions.  This might be something  
as simple as a switch on the output of a net-box attached to the  
projector displaying slides.  Perhaps a WebEx expert knows how this  
might be controlled by the "host" or "presenter" in software.  This  
input will need to be disabled when the room PA is being used for  
local participants.

>   So one must ask, "How would WGCs effectively enforce a 'last  
> minute' 24 hours earlier?"
>> It has the added benefit of aiding comprehension be non-native  
>> English listeners.
>   :^)

Agreed.  This does seem to open a new era in how meetings might be  

A small fee for remote participation might be appropriate to better  
ensure the service is not abused.  Without a service of this nature,  
remote participation is dramatically more difficult.
