I'm happy to nominate you for leadership openings
Lars Eggert <lars@eggert.org> Mon, 04 October 2021 06:10 UTC
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Subject: I'm happy to nominate you for leadership openings
Message-Id: <8CF45FA7-78F0-4FF5-9CFE-4FC5E9DF241A@eggert.org>
Date: Mon, 04 Oct 2021 09:10:39 +0300
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Hi, I know that some very qualified IETF participants can still sometimes find it a bit difficult to self-nominate for open NomCom positions. As in previous years, I am more than happy to nominate ***you*** for any NomCom position you'd consider putting your name in for - just send me private email. (And I will of course not disclose to the NomCom or anyone else that you asked me to.) Please consider volunteering for NomCom positions that interest you! Thanks, Lars
- I'm happy to nominate you for leadership openings Lars Eggert
- RE: I'm happy to nominate you for leadership open… g_e_montenegro