[16NG] Fwd: Node Req: Issue 6: Support for RFC 5121: IP version 6 over WiMAX

"Daniel Park" <soohongp@gmail.com> Fri, 14 November 2008 06:12 UTC

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---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: <john.loughney@nokia.com>
Date: Fri, Nov 14, 2008 at 6:34 AM
Subject: Node Req: Issue 6: Support for RFC 5121: IP version 6 over WiMAX
To: ipv6@ietf.org

Daniel Park sent this issue in:

I'd request one more requirement for this bis. It is about 16ng
deliverable for IPv6 transmission over IPv6CS networks as RFC 5121. Due
to Convergence Sublayer characteristics of WiMAX networks, the below
requirement must be included in the Node Requirement. (For example:
globally unique prefix must be assigned to the WiMAX node, DAD
considerations, ND features, and etc described in RFC 5121)

4.X IP version 6 over WiMAX - RFC 5121

Nodes supporting IPv6 over WiMAX networks MUST implement

"Transmission of IPv6 via the IPv6 Convergence Sublayer
over IEEE 802.16 Networks" [RFC 5121].

--> I think this seems like a reasonable thing to add.

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