Re: [6tisch] 6P and Sf0 issue: Token to identify transactions in 6P

Xavier Vilajosana <> Thu, 03 March 2016 19:23 UTC

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Subject: Re: [6tisch] 6P and Sf0 issue: Token to identify transactions in 6P
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Hi Tengfei,

if we want (now or in the future) to support asynchronous responses (such
as the piggybacking case or if we want to aggregate confirmations) then the
token is handy. If we think that this mechanism will always be synchronous
and that concurrency will not be allowed then the state machine works.

my 2 cents :)

2016-03-03 18:47 GMT+01:00 Tengfei Chang <>:

> Hello Diego,
> For the Token to identify the transaction, personally, if *the idea is to
> identify a request and a response with a token*,  it can be replaced by
> implementing a status machine, in which the status is able to identify the
> status of 6P transaction.
> Here is a rough example which is able to explain how Status Machine works:
> *Initially* the status of 6P can be set as 6P_IDLE.
> *For a mote sending 6p request:*
>    1.  after the 6p request is ready to be sent which contains the
>    candidate cell, the status turns to 6P_REQUEST_INIT
>    2. after the request is sent, the status turns to
>    3. after received the response from parent, mote sends ACK back and
>    add/delete cell in schedule. The status turns to 6P_IDLE
> *For a mote received 6p request:*
>    1. after receiving the 6p request, the mote turns status to
>    2. when cells are selected or no cell is available, set status to
>    3. after sending the response and get the ACK, mote will add/delete
>    cells in schedule and set status back to 6P_IDLE
> If the mote will not process the next 6P request if the status is correct.
> Even if there are some issue that the mote stuck at one status, the timeout
> will reset the status to 6P_IDLE.
> With this, one byte can be save, though it's not that much.
> What do you think?
> Tengfei
> On Thu, Mar 3, 2016 at 4:30 PM, Prof. Diego Dujovne <
>> wrote:
>> Dear all,
>>             In order to continue the discussion we left
>> unfinished at the Interim meeting in March 26th, I
>> will open a number of threads to take action on several
>> pending issues for the drafts:
>> draft-wang-6tisch-6top-sublayer-04 (which will be renamed to
>> 6top-protocol)
>> draft-dujovne-6tisch-6top-sf0-00
>> - Regarding the use of a Token to identify transactions on
>> the 6top protocol, there was a proposal on the call to add
>> an 8-bit field to the packet header.
>> Do you agree with this solution?
>> Regards,
>>                               Diego Dujovne
>> --
>> Académico Escuela de Ingeniería en Informática y Telecomunicaciones
>> Facultad de Ingeniería UDP
>> (56 2) 676 8125
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