[76attendees] credit card problem at ANA hotel
Ronald van der Pol <rvdp@sara.nl> Sat, 07 November 2009 07:23 UTC
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Date: Sat, 07 Nov 2009 16:23:55 +0900
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My credit card (Dutch ING bank card with EMV chip) is not accepted by the ANA Crowne Plaza hotel. This happened last week when I had a one night stopover at the hotel. I have phoned my bank and they said that there is nothing wrong with my card. And indeed, I have been using it at a few other places in Japan last week without problems. Today, I asked the ANA hotel if they could check if my card is accepted. Again, I told told it was refused. So I asked them to call their bank and the clerk at the reception had a long telephone conversation. When he hung up I was told my card was successfully charged now (which was not exactly whay I wanted, but better pay now than have problems during checkout). Did anybody else use their foreign credit card already at the hotel? rvdp
- [76attendees] credit card problem at ANA hotel Ronald van der Pol
- Re: [76attendees] credit card problem at ANA hotel Olaf Kolkman
- Re: [76attendees] credit card problem at ANA hotel Shane Kerr
- Re: [76attendees] credit card problem at ANA hotel Jaap Akkerhuis
- Re: [76attendees] credit card problems Rodney Van Meter
- Re: [76attendees] credit card problems Carsten Bormann
- Re: [76attendees] credit card problems Wilmer van der Gaast
- Re: [76attendees] credit card problems Go Kawaguchi
- Re: [76attendees] credit card problems Bert (IETF) Wijnen
- Re: [76attendees] credit card problem at ANA hotel Wilmer van der Gaast
- Re: [76attendees] credit card problem at ANA hotel Carsten Bormann