[alto] Shepherd review of unified-props (draft)
Vijay Gurbani <vijay.gurbani@gmail.com> Sun, 15 November 2020 23:48 UTC
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From: Vijay Gurbani <vijay.gurbani@gmail.com>
Date: Sun, 15 Nov 2020 17:47:29 -0600
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Subject: [alto] Shepherd review of unified-props (draft)
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All: I have started the shepherd review of unified-props. The review is below. There are places where I am still waiting for some action to happen, and these are marked by (***). I have still to review this document and send a chair review to the list. I plan to do this after IETF 109. In the meantime, please go through the draft shepherd writeup and let me know if I have erred anywhere. Thanks. - vijay -------- Shepherd writeup for draft-ietf-alto-unified-props-new-13 1. Summary. The document shepherd is Vijay K. Gurbani, and the responsible area director is Martin Duke. The document is a Standards Track document, targeted as a Proposed Standard. The WG has chosen the requested publication type since this draft extends the base ALTO protocol in a normative manner. Specifically, the document seeks to extend the base ALTO protocol (RFC 7285) by generalizing certain properties attached to ALTO endpoints. 2. Review and consensus. The document has a long history in the ALTO WG, having first made its appearance as an individual draft in March 2017, and was formally adopted as a WG item in April 2017 [1]. It is an important draft as two other WG drafts depend on the extensions defined in it. A WGLC was issued for the draft in July 2020 [2]. Two reviewers were identified that provided a detailed WGLC review [3,4]. The draft has broad consensus across the WG, no specific shortcomings have been identified with the current version of the draft. Over the years that the draft has been active in the WG, it has been subject to revisions based on the WG expectations. At least three implementations of unified-props are known. The first implementation was by one of the authors (Wendy Roome), corresponding to an older version of the draft. A WG member (not a co-author) has implemented unified-props as well (details on the exact version implemented are not known). And finally, a small group of WG members (including one co-author) are planning to implement the latest version of the draft as part of an open GitHub community [5]. 3. Intellectual property The chair has received IPR declarations from Richard Yang, Sabine Randriamasy, Jensen Zhang, Wendy Roome. (*** Kai Gao still remaining.) During the discussion of this I-D in the working group, no IPR issues has been raised to the best of my knowledge. 4. Other points A formal review by the document shepherd is pending. (***) IDNits reports 4 errors, 6 warnings, and 2 comments. The errors and warnings must be fixed. (***) [1] https://mailarchive.ietf.org/arch/msg/alto/iz8dIQtwkjZHZYrI8q4JDOyZPPI/ [2] https://mailarchive.ietf.org/arch/msg/alto/jhPmZR4UKpiIwA_tC2s9b9YZ8Mk/ [3] https://mailarchive.ietf.org/arch/msg/alto/YVaCXE7IgXOqWpq-17GV-gbiYwo/ [4] https://mailarchive.ietf.org/arch/msg/alto/EnKuKcnxfeAsg5eBtEbmuFf1cCw/ [5] https://github.com/openalto/sextant
- [alto] Shepherd review of unified-props (draft) Vijay Gurbani