[alto] ALTO at IETF-108: Finishing the current milestones and discussion on re-chartering the WG
Jan Seedorf <ietf@j-f-s.de> Sun, 14 June 2020 14:55 UTC
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Subject: [alto] ALTO at IETF-108: Finishing the current milestones and discussion on re-chartering the WG
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Dear all, Martin (our new AD), Vijay and myself had some discussions on how to generally move forward with the WG and how to plan the IETF-108 ALTO session accordingly. We believe we should finalize the remaining milestones (see https://tools.ietf.org/wg/alto/charters) by or at the latest during the IETF-108 ALTO session. Our understanding is that during the weekly meetings the remaining docs are making good progress towards such finalization, so this goal should be realistic. After IETF-108, we can either (gradually) close the WG or re-charter. In both cases, there should be no need for an ALTO session at IETF meetings to discuss progress on the currently chartered milestones. If still needed, such progress can happen on the mailing list. Accordingly, we plan the 100 minute online/virtual ALTO session at IETF-108 as follows: a) 40 minutes for presentations on the drafts that address the remaining milestones, after which we hopefully can move all of them to WGLC (if not already done before, e.g. as with the ALTO-CDNI draft which is past WGLC) b) 60 minutes for presentations and discussions on potentially re-chartering the WG (as opposed to closing down the WG). We are soliciting presentations on re-charter proposals and thoughts. There will be no time allocated for presentations on drafts that are not currently a WG item. Needless to say, any thoughts on re-chartering are welcome on the mailing list at any time. We hope for a fruitful discussion at the online/virtual ALTO session at IETF-108 that will hopefully end up in some form of consensus on how to move forward with the WG. - Vijay & Jan
- [alto] ALTO at IETF-108: Finishing the current mi… Jan Seedorf
- Re: [alto] ALTO at IETF-108: Finishing the curren… Y. Richard Yang
- [alto] Fwd: ALTO at IETF-108: Finishing the curre… Danny Alex Lachos Perez
- Re: [alto] ALTO at IETF-108: Finishing the curren… Sebastian Kiesel
- Re: [alto] ALTO at IETF-108: Finishing the curren… Jensen Zhang
- Re: [alto] ALTO at IETF-108: Finishing the curren… chunshxiong(熊春山)
- Re: [alto] ALTO at IETF-108: Finishing the curren… Sebastian Kiesel