Re: [Din] get discussion going on a new internet draft: On the Effects of Internet Consolidation

Dirk Trossen <> Thu, 23 March 2023 08:40 UTC

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From: Dirk Trossen <>
To: Lixia Zhang <>, "" <>
CC: Ike Kunze <>, Michael McBride <>, David Guzman <>, Thomas Martin <>, LUIS MIGUEL CONTRERAS MURILLO <>, Jens Finkhaeuser <>, Paulo Jorge Milheiro Mendes <>
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Lixia, all,

As for the charter, I am fully supporting the proposed re-chartering. Disconnecting from perceived single foci, like blockchain, is good since there is so much more to decentralization than the application of a single technology (group). 

OTOH, this should not prevent us bringing dedicated tech but also arch/design examples into the discussions as long as the decentralization aspect is being suitably brought out. 

Let me give three examples (CCing the relevant co-authors/contributors to this email):
- In the RTG WG, I will present work on 'routing on service addresses' (ROSA) (see draft at making direct references to the centralization of service provisioning through CDNs as one motivation for the work. The proposed shim overlay (atop IPv6 through EHs) is aiming at, e.g., category-specific service routing overlays. Example use cases (some listed in the draft) also include the realization of DLTs itself as well as fediverse-like distributed social media (an angle very dear to Jens, who is also a co-author of this draft). 

- in relation to your reference to the E2E principle below, the COIN RG had an initial discussion at IETF115 on in-network computing and E2E, which is meant to continue at IETF116 (with an agenda item on the RG meeting for Monday 27th). Maybe this is tangential to discussing E2E in the light of centralization but it may also be overlapping to some extent, which may be worthwhile to consider for DINRG, too? I've CCed Ike Kunze to the mail who will present our consolidated discussion material in the COIN meeting.

- coming back to DLT (or more generally DCS - distributed consensus system), drafts like discuss the possible use and relevance of DCS technology in key Internet technologies like BGP (with the intention to identify other possible area of distributed/decentralized data governance). Earlier work, like, also looked at impact of using such tech on the underlying networks (from a DIN angle, you may look at this as aiming to quantify the costs for decentralization although we did not intend to position the work this way). I'm also CCing the co-authors here to chime in, if needed. 



-----Original Message-----
From: Din <> On Behalf Of Lixia Zhang
Sent: 22 March 2023 18:04
Subject: [Din] get discussion going on a new internet draft: On the Effects of Internet Consolidation

In case some people missed it: the following is a DIN-related new internet draft posted recently, which collected a number of important issues and summarized them in multiple sections including:
- implications of architecture consolidations
- intermediaries and consolidations, and
- protocol designs and consolidations.

Quoting the above section titles is a hope to attract people's attention to take a look:) So we can think through the issues and (hopefully) get the discussion going on mailing list, making ourselves better prepared for the DINRG meeting.

Taking off my co-- chair hat, I'm very interested in doing a brief presentation at the meeting on the "end-to-end principle" topic to start a discussion (my personal view is that this principle remains essential, just that the deployed Internet itself has changed in some fundamental ways, therefore its specifics needs to evolve as well -- would be easier to explain in person) Whoever holding different opinions, please offer your counter arguments, or at least get them ready ready for the meeting:)



A New Internet-Draft is available from the on-line Internet-Drafts directories.

  Title           : On the Effects of Internet Consolidation
  Authors         : Dominique Lazanski
                    Mark McFadden
  Filename        : draft-mcfadden-cnsldtn-effects-00.txt
  Pages           : 19
  Date            : 2023-03-10

This document contributes to the continuing discussion on Internet consolidation. Over the last several years there have been many types of discussions around consolidation at a technical level, an economic or market level and also at an engineering level. This document aims to discuss recent areas of Internet consolidation and provide some suggestions for advancing the discussion.

The IETF datatracker status page for this Internet-Draft is:

There is also an htmlized version available at:
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