Re: [Dlt-networking] [SCITT] SCITT General Meeting - Monday May 23 - Slide Deck and Meeting Recording

Dick Brooks <> Tue, 24 May 2022 14:18 UTC

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I've offered to participate in documenting an SBOM use case for the SCITT
initiative, along with some other people.


Do you have a use case from Customs that we could use to show SBOM and
vulnerability disclosure reports that would be subject to Executive Order
14028. This would be both timely and insightful for many government agencies
that will be implementing EO 14028 solutions, following NIST's 5/5 EO 14028


The use case would be used to show how an SCITT inspired approach could be
used to meet the EO 14028 requirements.


Happy to discuss this further if interested.




Dick Brooks


Active Member of the CISA Critical Manufacturing Sector, 

Sector Coordinating Council - A Public-Private Partnership


Never trust software, always verify and report!
<>  T


Tel: +1 978-696-1788


From: SCITT <> On Behalf Of John, Anil
Sent: Tuesday, May 24, 2022 9:55 AM
Subject: Re: [SCITT] SCITT General Meeting - Monday May 23 - Slide Deck and
Meeting Recording


I can provide a bit of technical insight/background/perspective regarding
the U.S. Customs interoperability work with blockchain/DLT/DAGs etc. that
Vinny spoke to in the presentation.


Rewinding the clock to around 2017 or so, we (DHS) were receiving ongoing
enquiries from the global Trade community about the tech and our perspective
on it as applied to supply chain data. The discussion internally between my
program (which was just in the process of finishing up a pretty significant
R&D into the tech to understand its applicability to Government use cases)
and the CBP Office of Trade i.e. U.S. Customs leadership was around how best
to get access to data coming from blockchain systems in the Trade - with the
full acknowledgement at that time that different Trade entities were using
different blockchain systems and interoperability and data sharing across
blockchain and non-blockchain systems was *not* part of the conversation! 


We realized that we had two options on the table at that time, given that we
had no desire to rip-n-replace our internal systems/processes which are
working at global scale:

1.	Go down the path of running a node of every blockchain platform that
needed to connect with us - an unbounded problem with no path to success for
any organization!
2.	One ring to bind them all - Choose a particular blockchain platform
and mandate that everyone who uses blockchain tech to integrate with us, use
that same platform - As the largest customs org in the world, could we make
that work? Possibly. Is the political capital needed to sustain that
approach better expended elsewhere? Absolutely.


We decided to go a third way.


That third way was to see if we could implement an abstraction layer between
enterprise systems and blockchain/DLT/DAG systems and between
blockchain/DLT/DAG systems where:

*	There is no expectation that all links in the supply chain use the
same technology platform or vendor
*	All links in the supply chain remain free to choose the technology
stack / platform / vendor of their choice
*	Interfaces between systems are based on global, open, royalty free
and free to use data and protocol standards that ensure multi-platform,
multi-vendor, cross-border interoperability


That is the path that led us down to choosing W3C Verifiable Credentials
data model ( ) as the way to represent
attestations/credentials from/to Trade using a semantically aware
standardized vocabulary ( ),
W3C Decentralized Identifiers ( ) as a way to
represent Trade entities and to publish and retrieve their public keys
regardless of the network they are on, and an openly developed API that is
testable, royalty free and free to implement
( & ) that allows for connecting
the entities.


We also require in our operational implementation, standards compliance
(against open, automated test suites) AND *real* multi-vendor,
multi-platform, interoperability via interoperability plug-fests
0DklNe2k/edit?usp=sharing  ) which have demonstrated in practices interop
not just between enterprise systems and blockchain systems but between
blockchain systems << Our thesis has been proven in practice.


In general, blockchain specific interop work requires that an enterprise
end-point be blockchain based and that particular blockchain supports some
specific blockchain interop magic sauce - which is not the reality of a
large, established enterprise with existing investments in both technology
and processes. Our approach has been and continues to be the standards based
abstraction layer for data models and APIs such that we can make the
"To-Blockchain or To-Not-Blockchain" go away as a decision criteria for
integration with external systems.


Best Regards,




Anil John

Technical Director, Silicon Valley Innovation Program 

Science and Technology Directorate 

US Department of Homeland Security 

Washington, DC, USA 


Email Response Time - 24 Hours





From: SCITT < <> > On
Behalf Of Michael McBride
Sent: Monday, May 23, 2022 8:41 PM
To: Yogesh Deshpande <
<> >; <> 
Cc: Kay Williams < <> >; <> ; <> 
Subject: Re: [SCITT] SCITT General Meeting - Monday May 23 - Slide Deck and
Meeting Recording


CAUTION: This email originated from outside of DHS. DO NOT click links or
open attachments unless you recognize and/or trust the sender. Contact your
component SOC with questions or concerns. 


Hi Yogesh,


Thank you for recording the meeting/presentation, it was very insightful.


Vincent mentioned the importance of having one methodology for
interoperability between supply chains which may be using a DLT of some
sort. The Dept of Customs appears to be working on their own interop
solution. The blockchain interop group is specifically working on the
development of a protocol, called ODAP, to provide asset transfer
interoperability which SCITT may be able to leverage. They too are seeking
to form an ietf working group and have had at least one bof. It might be
helpful to have Thomas provide SCITT with an overview of the blockchain
interop work and vice versa.




From: SCITT < <> > On
Behalf Of Yogesh Deshpande
Sent: Monday, May 23, 2022 1:40 PM
To: <> 
Cc: Kay Williams < <> >
Subject: [SCITT] SCITT General Meeting - Monday May 23 - Slide Deck and
Meeting Recording


Hello All,


Thanks to Vincent and Anil for a great presentation. The Meeting recording
has been updated on the Google Docs here


The presentation material attached to the email.



Yogesh Deshpande


From: SCITT < <> > On
Behalf Of Kay Williams
Sent: Friday, May 20, 2022 5:34 PM
To: <> 
Subject: [SCITT] SCITT General Meeting Agenda - Monday May 23


Hello SCITT community,


Here is the agenda for our Monday May 23 8:00 AM Pacific SCITT general
meeting.  Special welcome to our guest presenter Vinny Annunziato from US



*	IETF non-working-group BOF update (Roy Williams)

*	planning document

*	Presentation: US Customs (Vinny Annunziato)

*	Vincent (Vinny) Annunziato, Director, Business Transformation &
Innovation Division (BTID), Trade Transformation Office (TTO) will be
presenting about the work US Customs is doing for Modernizing the Supply
Chain through use of decentralized technologies more specifically through
use of verified credentials and decentralized identifiers.


Hope to see you there.




SCITT General Meeting Agenda and Notes - Google Docs

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