[dnsext] WGLC: draft-eastlake-dnsext-xnamercode-03.txt
Andrew Sullivan <ajs@shinkuro.com> Wed, 13 April 2011 15:10 UTC
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Date: Wed, 13 Apr 2011 11:10:32 -0400
From: Andrew Sullivan <ajs@shinkuro.com>
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Subject: [dnsext] WGLC: draft-eastlake-dnsext-xnamercode-03.txt
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Dear colleagues, This message starts a two-week WGLC on the draft draft-eastlake-dnsext-xnamercode-03.txt. While we did not formally take the step of adopting that I-D as a WG document, it is sufficiently related to the topic of RFC2672bis that your chairs believe it should be processed at the same time. Please review the draft. If you support publication, please state as much on the list. If you are opposed to publication, please state that on the list as well. It is more helpful to have your reasons for your position as part of your statement. According to the usual DNSEXT convention, we require at least five reviews in favour of publication in order to proceed. Five supportive reviewers is a necessary but not sufficient condition for publication (i.e. evidence of significant opposition counts against a measure of rough consensus). The WGLC will end on 2011-04-27 at 21:00 UTC. Best regards, Andrew (as document shepherd) -- Andrew Sullivan ajs@shinkuro.com Shinkuro, Inc.
- [dnsext] WGLC: draft-eastlake-dnsext-xnamercode-0… Andrew Sullivan
- Re: [dnsext] WGLC: draft-eastlake-dnsext-xnamerco… Scott Rose
- Re: [dnsext] WGLC: draft-eastlake-dnsext-xnamerco… Donald Eastlake
- Re: [dnsext] WGLC: draft-eastlake-dnsext-xnamerco… Andrew Sullivan
- Re: [dnsext] WGLC: draft-eastlake-dnsext-xnamerco… Brian Dickson
- Re: [dnsext] WGLC: draft-eastlake-dnsext-xnamerco… George Barwood
- Re: [dnsext] WGLC: draft-eastlake-dnsext-xnamerco… Tony Finch
- Re: [dnsext] WGLC: draft-eastlake-dnsext-xnamerco… Alex Bligh
- Re: [dnsext] WGLC: draft-eastlake-dnsext-xnamerco… Donald Eastlake
- Re: [dnsext] WGLC: draft-eastlake-dnsext-xnamerco… Doug Barton