[DNSOP] draft-ietf-dnsop-attrleaf vs. RFC7553

Alexander Mayrhofer <alexander.mayrhofer@nic.at> Thu, 07 February 2019 16:48 UTC

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From: Alexander Mayrhofer <alexander.mayrhofer@nic.at>
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Hello everyone,

I'm turning my head around an issue around the attrleaf draft, and its connection with RFC7553 (the URI RRType). Im specifically wondering what the connection between the "service parameter" in RFC 7553 and the "Global Underscore Node Names" in draft-ietf-dnsop-attrleaf is.  I'm trying to reword draft-mayrhofer-dns-did to request a new underscore node name. My issues is as follows:

RFC 7553 restricts the  "service parameters" (those underscored names) as follows:

   Valid service

   parameters are those registered by IANA in the "Service Name and

   Transport Protocol Port Number Registry" [RFC6335<https://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc6335>] or as "Enumservice

   Registrations [RFC6117<https://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc6117>]

However, I understand the intent of draft-ietf-attrleaf (as far as I understand) is to replace/extend that definition by a new registry, and does indeed include underscore node names for the URI RRType in Section 4.3. However, I'm wondering whether that formally "overrides" the previous specification.. So, my questions are:

A)      Would it be enough to request a global underscore node name to use it with the URI RRType

B)      And shouldn't draft-ietf-dnsop-attrleaf hence UPDATE RFC7553?

(I know the draft is already *very* well advanced in the process, so I'm opening a can of worms here - but better late than never? And there are definitely more future use cases for URI records that might be well covered by the attrleaf document..)

Comments appreciated!
