Re: [DNSOP] Remarks about draft-wkumari-dnsop-internal-00

Suzanne Woolf <> Thu, 07 September 2017 21:20 UTC

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From: Suzanne Woolf <>
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Date: Thu, 07 Sep 2017 17:20:18 -0400
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To: Stephane Bortzmeyer <>
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Subject: Re: [DNSOP] Remarks about draft-wkumari-dnsop-internal-00
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On Sep 7, 2017, at 10:32 AM, Stephane Bortzmeyer <> wrote:

> draft-wkumari-dnsop-internal-00 proposes to reserve .internal for
> RFC1918-like domain names. There is clearly a strong demand for that.
> (There is also a strong demand for happy sex, great food, excellent
> wines and diamong rings, but let's ignore it for the moment).
> The document clearly documents that it will not happen, since it
> requires an entire new process at ICANN.

As WG chair: no reason I know of to assume this. 

As long-time observer of IETF and ICANN process: no reason I know of to assume this; such a request from the IETF, however, would involve the IESG (presumably armed with IETF consensus), the IAB (which manages the IETF liaison relationship with ICANN on behalf of the IETF), and some patience, since it amounts to a request that the ICANN community do work to accommodate a need of the IETF. This doesn't mean it can't be done or even that it won't be done, only that the implications need to be considered as far as possible. 

At the very least, I'd like to see an extremely strong rationale for making such a request; we should be working towards a statement something like "doing this solves the following large class of problems for a really long time, in a demonstrably better way than any of the alternatives."

> Also, it may be a good idea to add an "Internationalization
> considerations" section. If people want a memorable domain name (and
> not, say, the TLD .693268ed5948276cb48c3f3339ac465d, which would work
> as well), it's because it is typable and rememberable), they may want
> it in other languages.

Agreed. This mechanism is intended, at least in part, to accommodate the common desire people seem to have for DNS names to act sort of like natural language objects and not just random strings. It seems to me that defining such a mechanism should consider the likelihood that not everyone who wants to use it will be native speakers of English who are happy to limit the available characters to US-ASCII.
